Intentions and Inactions

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Last night, they really overdid it.

After Sasuke eventually drifted to sleep, he found himself abruptly awakened in the middle of the night by Sakura tapping him on the shoulder.

To cut a long story short, they found themselves in a familiar situation, with Sakura riding the shit out of him.

Her stamina was insane.

In that moment, everything still felt somewhat surreal, given how eager Sakura seemed. It was obvious that she was venting her frustrations, but for some reason, Sasuke didn't mind at all. He was simply relieved that she had taken the initiative without him having to ask.

Glancing over at Sakura, who was still fast asleep, he noticed the tangled bedsheets, covering only her lower body as she lay on her stomach. It seemed he hadn't made it back to the guest room. In an effort not to disturb the slumbering pink-haired girl beside him, he quietly slipped out of bed and began searching for his scattered clothing on the floor, opting to change back into the sweats Sakura had provided.

As he stood there, a frown formed on his face as he looked down at the sweats.

Sasuke found himself mumbling to himself, "These are Sakura's... ex's clothes."

Wearing another man's clothes, especially that of Sakura's ex... didn't sit well with Sasuke at all.

"I should probably just toss these out," he murmured to no one in particular.

Sasuke couldn't quite put into words the events of last night. Sakura appeared unaware of any potential shift in their relationship, leaving Sasuke uncertain about whether their dynamic had become more civil or if lingering animosity still existed. Despite Sakura's perception, Sasuke had never genuinely hated her. It was the unfamiliar emotions she evoked in him that he found difficult to come to terms with.

Sasuke didn't see sex as something meaningful without an emotional connection. Even when they were intimate, both of them expressed their mutual hatred. He really couldn't stand the way Sakura made him feel. His past sexual experiences had been purely physical, never bothering him the next day, and he never thought about seeing the person again. But with Sakura, everything felt different. He found himself wanting more.

This whole thing felt risky, but he couldn't help but get involved. At first, he thought hooking up with her might fix things between them, but it was clear that it wasn't working.

Despite their limited acquaintance, the two had only spent a couple of days together, which marked the longest duration they had been in each other's company during the several months of working together. Despite this, Sasuke already felt an unexplainable possessiveness and attraction towards her. However, given his nature, he had no desire to pursue a relationship with her. The only emotion he harbored towards her was one of intense dislike, and he was convinced it was mutual.

So, why then?

Why did he find himself leaning in to press a gentle kiss on her forehead before leaving her room?

Returning to the guest room, Sasuke reached for his phone on the nightstand. Glancing at the screen, he noticed a few missed calls and messages from Itachi. With a heavy sigh, he began to scroll through the texts.

Itachi: I've been trying to reach you since last night.

Itachi: Are you okay? I heard they closed all office jobs until the roads cleared.

Itachi: I drove past your apartment before my shift, I didn't see your car.

Sasuke reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose before typing out a response to Itachi. He couldn't help but acknowledge that Itachi had a tendency to worry excessively about him, but he supposed that was just one of his brother's endearing traits. The stark differences between the two brothers seemed glaringly obvious to Sasuke.

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