I Feel Nothing

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"Sakura, please wait, don't go."

Ignoring his plea, Sakura made her way towards the elevator in a hurry, desperate to put some distance between them. All she wanted was to get to her car, go home, and simply forget about everything that had happened today.

He's just so self-centered.

She didn't even hesitate to text Sasori; she knew it was over between them. Who would want to go on a second date with someone who bailed on the first one? It was clear what would happen next. There was no point in any of it now.

Ever since Sasuke came into her life, starting from when Naruto introduced him to her and he sealed the deal, things had become confusing for her. She never imagined she would develop such conflicted feelings for the Uchiha man, but it was pretty clear what she was feeling. She liked him but didn't like that she did.

At first, it was just a game to her. Teasing him, seeing if he would give in, and when they did, she found herself growing attached. It wasn't the physical aspect that made her attached; perhaps she was developing a strange fondness for the raven-haired man. She knew he was inherently not a good person, but she was trying her best to make something work.

Maybe change him?

You can't change someone who doesn't want to change.

Sakura thought she could handle the next three years, but after tonight... it was clear she couldn't.

The wisest thing for her to do was to back out of the partnership and move on with her life. She would have to come up with a good excuse for Shizune about their sudden withdrawal from Uchiha Corp after being associated with them for months, but that wasn't her priority right now. Her priority was to leave the building and avoid encountering Sasuke.

Impatiently waiting for the elevator, she realized it would take forever, so she turned towards the stairs. She just wanted to get out of there, no matter which way she took.

Despite the sound of Sasuke's footsteps behind her, she grew increasingly frustrated. She didn't want to break down in front of him and explain why she was avoiding him. He was confused, and so was she. She knew Sasuke wasn't the type to enter committed relationships, and what had happened between them was inappropriate. How could she live with herself? Getting involved with a business partner? Those things never end well and come back to haunt you.

"Sakura, let me drive you to your car then. It's late now."

Sakura jerked herself away from his grip. "Sasuke, if you want to make this easier for both of us, then please... just leave me the hell alone."

Sasuke sighed, defeated, placing one hand on the staircase railing. This was the second time he found himself apologizing to her since he'd known her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do what I did, okay? Please, just don't back out of the partnership."

Sakura shook her head. "No, Sasuke, I have to. This," she gestured between them, "This can never happen. We can never happen. So let's just move on with our lives and go back to how things were. I don't have time for this!"

No... you just don't have time for me.

He reaches out to grip her wrist again, a deep furrow forming on his brow as his voice takes on a stern tone. "You can't just pull out of the partnership like this."

Confusion clouds her features as she looks up at him, her fingers unconsciously tightening around her purse. "What the fuck do you mean? Of course I can!"

He had to think of something fast.

Even if it might be a lie.

Their eyes lock, his dark pools meeting her vibrant emerald gaze. Sighing, he shakes his head, "No, you can't. You're already bound by the contract. You need a substantial reason to back out now."

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