Time Well Wasted *lemon*

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"As the city's snow removal crews continue to work diligently, we anticipate that it will be safe for residents to venture outside and drive by tomorrow morning. We urge everyone to remain cautious and patient as the roads are being cleared for safer travel."

Sakura slammed the TV remote and shot a glare at the smirking Uchiha standing behind her.

"What?" she yelled out, frustration evident in her voice. It was already 9 pm, and she felt worse than ever. A fever was creeping in, and no amount of medication seemed to provide relief.

Meanwhile, Sasuke found himself in better shape, dealing only with occasional sneezes and coughs. Realizing she wouldn't be fit for work in the coming days if she didn't rest, Sakura grudgingly acknowledged that she had no other choice. Sasuke, on the other hand, seemed intent on intruding on her solitude despite her protests.

The morning brought an unexpected sight—a breakfast tray by her bedside, courtesy of none other than Sasuke. What surprised her more than his surprising culinary skills was his uncanny ability to enter her locked room, ignoring her previous instructions to keep out.

Fucking creep...

"Nothing much. I figured, since we're both here, we should find a way to pass the time," Sasuke explained, shrugging casually.

"Don't even try. I'm still pretty furious with you," Sakura retorted.

As she fiddled with the hem of her sheer white T-shirt, she suddenly became acutely aware of its transparency. An uncomfortable feeling crept over her as she noticed Sasuke's prolonged gaze fixed on her chest, prompting her to hastily grab a nearby blanket.

"Why are you so angry? I've already said sorry," Sasuke grumbled. "I'm only trying to make the best of this situation, but you're acting like a hormonal bitch."

Rolling her eyes, Sakura shot back, "Why do you think I'm always mad? Because you can never talk to me without insulting me or deliberately provoking me. I've been trying to figure this out ever since I met you. So why do you act this way?"

Sakura felt her frustration reaching a breaking point. Over the past few months, she had been desperate to unravel the enigma that was Sasuke. Every attempt to understand him had ended in failure. Even details gleaned from Naruto and Itachi seemed inadequate. Not even a cursory internet search shed much light on Sasuke Uchiha.

Was it the loss of his parents at a young age? Had he been betrayed by a girlfriend, his heart shattered? Or was he simply the embodiment of malevolence?

As these thoughts raced through her mind, Sasuke's voice cut through her introspection. "You don't know what you're talking about," he retorted, his demeanor shifting from playful to irate as he sat in the nearby armchair.

What in the world was his problem?

But Sakura was undeterred. "Me? I don't know what I'm talking about?" she fired back. "I can name a few things, actually. You insulted me on the first day we met. You continue to demean me just because I'm a woman. And simply saying sorry doesn't make it all right. What you did the other day was not okay! Aren't you 25? 26? And you still behave like some immature high school boy who sees women as mere objects."

Sakura seethed under the surface. This was the dynamic she and Sasuke engaged in—exchanging barbs, engaging in light-hearted banter. Yet here they were, almost at each other's throats.

But did Sakura care?

Not in the least.

This was her home, and she wasn't about to hold back.

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