See Through *lemon*

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The two were seated on a blanket right in the middle of Sakura's living room. They had a rom com playing in the background while Sakura happily indulged in the sweets in front of her.

Sakura couldn't help but notice how Sasuke always remembered the little things she mentioned. Not only did he order her favorite syrup-coated anko dumplings, but he surprised her with a variety of sweets, including anmitsu.

"You remembered..." Sakura said, still chewing.

Sasuke, finishing up an onigiri, looked at her with surprise, trying to hide the blush forming on his face. He wasn't one to admit it, "Oh um... it was just the first restaurant on the way."

"Yeah, sure," Sakura teased.

"Want to give it a taste?" Sakura suggested, holding out a spoonful of anmitsu.

Sasuke glanced at her, raising an eyebrow as he raised his hand, "Nah, I'm not really into sweets."

"Seriously? Not even a little?" Sasuke asked, surprised.

Sasuke shook his head, "I mean, I'll have them once in a while, but I'm more of a savory person than a sweet tooth."


Sasuke cleared his throat. He knew Sakura had many questions, just like he did. Sasuke didn't have much experience in relationships, and he was curious about Sakura's past as well. He knew she had dated someone throughout college, but he wondered how it ended. All he had heard was that they were together for a while.

It kind of sucked that he wasn't her first boyfriend and he felt like a beginner. He didn't want to admit that most of what he knew came from searching things online.

"Hey, listen. I know there are things you want to know. But don't worry about Karin, if you want me to fire her, I will," Sasuke said as he took a sip of his wine.

Sakura's eyebrows raised as she gazed at the dark-haired man before her, "No, no. I've thought about it, and I don't think you should."

"Really? After what happened? I would assume you wouldn't want her near me," Sasuke chuckled.

Finding out that nothing had happened between him and Karin was a relief for Sakura. But if something did happen... well, then she might consider letting her go. She didn't want to be controlling, and she didn't think Karin should lose her job over a silly crush on Sasuke.

"Well, nothing happened, so I don't think you should... I just... I don't know. She shouldn't lose her job over a silly crush she has on her boss," Sakura said, taking another bite of her dumpling and adjusting her position on the floor.

Sasuke was taken aback. He didn't mind firing Karin at all, but what surprised him was how much Sakura's attitude had changed towards the situation.

"I see. But if you change your mind, you know I don't mind doing it. But now that's cleared, I'm assuming you want to know more... about my past, I mean," Sasuke looked at Sakura, who was now staring intently at him.

"I guess I've thought about it before. You haven't been in a relationship, right? I'm assuming you've been occupied with... other things. But fuck it, I'll ask. How many girls have you slept with?"

Damn, she was straight to the point.

Sasuke choked, covering his mouth as he looked at Sakura in shock. He didn't expect her to ask the question so casually, as if she wasn't debating whether it was right or wrong. It was as if she had prepared herself to ask him this question...

Sakura raised an eyebrow, eagerly awaiting his response, while he felt a sense of fear knowing that his answer could go either way.

"Are you really curious?" Sasuke asked, his curiosity piqued.

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