Trapped In

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Sakura's eyes fluttered open, and as she groggily turned her gaze towards the TV, she realized it was nighttime already. 

"Oh shit, did I fall asleep?" Sakura muttered, glancing at the clock. It was already 10 PM, and she couldn't believe she had dozed off for nearly 8 hours.

Suddenly, she felt a weight on her shoulder and something tickling her neck. With a jolt, she realized it was Sasuke, who had decided to take a nap on her shoulder.

Sakura shifted slightly, trying not to disturb Sasuke, who was sleeping soundly. It seemed that the medication they both had taken had knocked them out for the rest of the day.

"This is so weird," Sakura muttered to herself as she moved away from his touch.

As she prepared to stand up, she couldn't help but take a moment to look at the man sleeping on her couch. Something in her stirred, but she quickly pushed the feeling aside. As she observed the man in front of her, she absentmindedly brushed a few strands of hair from his face, but then quickly pulled her hand back.

After finally dragging herself off the couch, Sakura leisurely stretched her body, letting out a loud yawn. She ambled towards the kitchen, her stomach growling in protest. She internally scolded herself for not having eaten earlier in the day.

"Ah well, it's a snow day," she muttered, perusing the contents of her fridge. She grabbed some short grain rice, salt, nori seaweed, tuna, and tomatoes. It would only take her 10 minutes to whip up a quick meal.

With the rice in hand, Sakura began crafting the onigiri, filling them with the assorted ingredients. Suddenly, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching the kitchen. Looking up, she saw Sasuke standing in the doorway.

"Are you hungry?" she asked in a nonchalant manner.

Sasuke, rubbing his eyes and letting out a big yawn, responded, "Fuck, how long was I out? It's already 10 pm?"

As Sakura washed her hands at the sink, she replied, "Yeah, for a few hours. I dozed off for a bit, too."

Sasuke smirked and leaned against the doorway, teasingly, "Oh? Next to me?"

Internally, Sakura sighed. Did he really have to provoke her right after waking up? She was hungry and didn't want to argue before heading to bed.

Unless... he wasn't trying to annoy her.

Maybe he was trying to seduce her.

"Stop that," Sakura said firmly as she finished making the onigiri. She arranged them on two plates and then pushed one towards Sasuke. "If you want more, there's some left in the fridge. Don't bother me anymore."

Sasuke smirked and took the plate, following her to the living room. Sitting on the couch, he asked, "Do you always eat on the couch?"

Sasuke glanced around Sakura's apartment and noticed the absence of a dining table. Oddly, the thought of Sakura having all her meals on her living room couch or in her bedroom brought a smile to his face.

Sakura rolled her eyes and retorted, "Yeah, I don't see the point of having a dining table. I'm rarely home anyway."

Taking a bite, Sasuke inquired, "Did you put tomatoes in this?"

Sakura raised an eyebrow and shot him a glare from the couch, saying, "Yeah, and? You don't like it?"

Shaking his head, Sasuke took another bite and replied, "No need to bitch. I was going to say I love it. Tomatoes are my favorite."

"Whatever," Sakura said as she finished eating. She carried her plate to the kitchen and started washing up the remaining dishes in the sink.

As she washed the dishes, her mind started to wander. Yeah sure, a part of her felt ashamed for letting herself sleep with him, but at the same time, she didn't regret it.

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