A Game of Wits

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"So..." Sasuke said, looking away from Naruto, "tell me more about her."

Following the conversation involving him and Sakura, the air around him had undoubtedly taken on a different feel. He wasn't ready to admit he was okay with the partnership, even though he agreed to it. But only because he acknowledged the rush of adrenaline he was feeling at that moment. Sasuke didn't want to admit that it left him a bit hot and bothered.

It had only been a day, and already the 'new business partner' had consumed his thoughts. What had caught him off guard was the realization that the partner was a woman, not just any woman, but one unafraid to speak her mind. Some may find strong willed, sexy, but he never knew it'd be the case for him. Sasuke didn't appreciate it, but he was curious to see how far she would push things before realizing she had gone too far. It wasn't like him to let anyone, shatter his ego.

What was with that pink-haired girl, thinking it was okay to start laying into him like that? That just wasn't the kind of thing that happened to Sasuke. He stood by every word he'd said to her - women just didn't belong in this kind of work. He always figured they were better suited to 'girlier' professions, like nursing. But maybe that was just him being a little sexist again. Whatever.

Naruto slouched in the office chair, tossing a ball up and catching it. "You sure about this? I'm surprised you even wanted to partner up with her after what went down. By the way, you still haven't told me what she said." Naruto imagined that once they kicked him out of the office, those two were at each other's throats. Part of him was curious to see Sasuke's reaction to the new business partner he'd suggested being a woman. Not just any woman, though - Sakura was in a league of her own.

Naruto couldn't forget the stories he'd heard about how she nearly put a guy in the hospital during her undergraduate days. Heck, even when they were kids, he was always careful not to say anything to tick her off or talk back.

Sasuke cleared his throat and shot a glare at the blonde guy across the room. "Whatever," he replied nonchalantly. If the guy wasn't going to spill more about that pink-haired girl, then no big deal. Sasuke had ways of finding out things, and if he wanted to dig up dirt on the annoying pink-haired girl, he'd manage.

Inwardly, Sasuke smirked, thinking of how to drive Sakura insane and push her to her limit. It wasn't just about sealing the business deal with her, but it was also a little game to him. He didn't want to admit that to Naruto, but at this point, Sakura was just a challenge to him. How far could he push her until she broke down and dropped that tough exterior of hers?

Maybe she just needed a good fuck, Sasuke shrugged.

That had to be it right?


Sasuke pushed open the heavy wooden door to the dimly lit bar, his mind still reeling from his tense encounter with Sakura from yesterday. It was getting to him bad. He made his way to the counter, the cool surface providing a small semblance of relief as he let out a heavy sigh. Ordering a drink, he leaned against the bar, the weight of the day's events pressing on his shoulders.

Just as he was about to take a sip, a familiar voice called out from behind. "Sasuke, good you're here," said Shisui, as he took a seat beside him, a small smile playing on his lips.

Sasuke nodded in acknowledgment, "It's been a long day," he confessed, taking a sip of his drink.

"I know," Shisui replied, "but I have something that might take your mind off things for a while."

With a sense of curiosity piqued, Sasuke watched as Shisui slid a folder across the counter. "What's this?" he inquired, reaching for the papers tucked inside.

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