Testing Limits

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"So, you're saying I have to do a presentation?" Sakura inquired, eyeing the two men in front of her incredulously. The whole thing felt kind of unexpected, to say the least. She couldn't fathom why she was being asked to do this in the first place.

Naruto shot a glance at Sasuke, "Yeah, that's what Sasuke mentioned. I'm kinda curious myself, though. Teme, care to elaborate?"

"Sasuke's brainchild, huh..." Sakura mused silently.

Shifting in her seat, she fixed her gaze on the enigmatic Uchiha sitting across from her. It was as if she could almost read his mind, but then again, not really. It had been a few weeks since Naruto's birthday, yet the tension from that time still lingered in the air.

The memory of her last encounter with Sasuke involuntarily crossed her mind. It had caught her off guard, making her wonder if he was stalking her at this point. The timing seemed a bit... well, fishy, to say the least.


Sakura had just finished her run around the block as she neared the end of her street. It was a November evening, and she made it a point to stay in shape regardless of the time of year.

Why did men seem to be infatuated with her?

It was her physique, without a doubt.

She didn't necessarily have an ample bosom; she was content with her C-cup. However, it was her lower body that seemed to draw all the attention. Since her high school and college days, her thighs and ass had always been the center of attraction. She had even dabbled in powerlifting during her college years, so she took pride in her physique.

As she approached her apartment, a particular car caught her eye. It was 8 in the evening and the sun had already set, but that car seemed eerily familiar. She couldn't quite place where she had seen it before, perhaps at work or elsewhere, but her gut feeling hinted that it was not the first time. With a gulp, she slowly made her way toward the car. Its windows were tinted, and the engine was running with the headlights off. Clearly, someone was inside, but she couldn't discern who it might be.

Wait a minute... a black car... a Tesla... Sasuke drove a black Tesla... Could it be? Or was she simply imagining things? It wasn't just Sasuke who drove a black Tesla; it could have been anyone.

Despite her doubts, something urged her to approach the driver's seat and knock on the window. If it turned out not to be him, she could play it off as a polite request to not park on that side of the street.

Without any further consideration, she walked up to the driver's side and knocked on the window. It wasn't until she heard some sudden movement from inside the car. Growing increasingly agitated, she knocked on the window more forcefully.

Meanwhile, Sasuke grasped the steering wheel, observing Sakura as she completed another round around the block. He had been parked there for quite a while... perhaps 20 minutes? Once again, he couldn't quite fathom why he found himself sitting in front of Sakura's apartment again. This was probably the third or fourth time since Naruto's birthday. Part of him tried to convince himself that this was perfectly normal behavior, but deep down he knew it wasn't.

What was she doing out so late in the day anyway? Who goes for a run at 8 PM? Anyone dangerous could be lurking about, and...

He shook his head, realizing he was behaving like a total creep too. He was lurking, but why exactly? What was he hoping to achieve by doing this?

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, studying her from behind. Sasuke had no idea what she was doing to him, and the more she got on his nerves, the more uneasy he felt in her presence. He didn't quite understand the game they were playing, or what plans she might have up her sleeve. He knew he had upset her, probably gone too far at Naruto's birthday.

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