"Saved you from bad people?"

"Yeah, they kidnapped me and I broke free but I needed to get off the island so I asked Torao, he was so mean in the beginning and he didn't wanna help but then he did, man snow was so bad at Swallow Island."

Corazon furrowed his eyebrows at the last bit. "Swallow Island? When was this?" The oldest was worried about what Law was doing at the Swallow Island and when it was.

"When I was eleven, so... like eight or nine years ago?"

"You've known him for that long?"

"Yeah! I stayed with him for some six months, then he took me back to Goa, then we met again like two years ago." Luffy recalled and grinned at the memories. "Torao used to be so grumpy nishishi."

"He's always been like this." Rosinante smiled sadly.

"But nothing's holding him back anymore, you're alive and back too, I'll make sure he smiles more now."

"You're kind yourself too." Cora beamed at Luffy and it didn't take the young man one second to liken the smile he was seeing to the tattoo on Law's chest. It was sad to Luffy that Law got that tattoo in the memory of Corazon but it was also warm.

"Can you guys shut the fuck up? I'm trying to sleep." Law mumbled, half asleep, annoyance clear on his face. Rosinante and Luffy looked at each other before laughing silently behind their hands, deciding to quiet down so Law could rest.

It was a few more hours later that Bepo arrived in the infirmary and started detaching the machinery connected to his captain. Luffy and Corazon watched as the bear mink carefully put everything aside then shook Law to wake him up.

"Come on captain, it's the eight hour mark." Bepo said softly and helped Law sit up a little.

"Right... ugh it's gonna hurt." Law whined and wiped his eyes.

"What's gonna happen?" Luffy asked, his head tilted on a side to display his confusion, Rosinante in the same boat.

"Since we passed the stent using the leg, the eight hour mark is when he has to stand up and walk a little to make sure that there is no damage to the major blood vessels that keep the leg alive." Bepo answered, arms forward and figure hunched to accommodate Law as he was going to leave the bed.

"So why does it hurt?" Cora asked this time.

"Because of the bruising and the tight bandages that keep the pressure on the artery to keep it from bleeding out, because a foreign object was in the blood vessel so there's that too, and there is sudden pressure on the leg too." Law explained, breathing in an out to hype himself up to get off the bed and on his legs to get it over with. "Well, here goes nothing."

All three present in the infirmary took a step forward when Law put his feet on the ground, stood up and stumbled while straightening his back. Bepo offered his arm to his captain for support while walking the first few steps.

"Fuck fuck fuck." Law cursed audibly when the pain got worse and he had to put his hands on Luffy's shoulders, the younger was closest. "Everything works fine, I'm not walking more right now."

"It's ok, you can sleep in your room now since you're vitals are fine and everything." Bepo said and made himself busy in fixing the infirmary bed because Law wouldn't be using it anymore.

"I don't wanna walk till there..." Law complained in a low voice, circling his arms around his boyfriend's neck and resting his head down on the younger's shoulders. "Fucking dammit this hurts."

"I'll ask Musta to bring your food to your room." The bear said. "Cora-san, please help me carry this load." Bepo conveniently took Rosinante with him with the pretense of taking the sheets to the laundry room.

Young In Love - LawLu AUWhere stories live. Discover now