"You guys are too close. Why are you guys being excited?" Senku sweat dropped, while Gen simply pulls Senku near himself making Senku blush at his actions. "Kaseki ji-chan, please stay away from Senku-chan, please. He's mine." Gen stated while grinning evilly.

"He's my younger twin for gods sake, Asagiri." the sudden comment from M/N sent shivers to Gen.

"Ani-chan, are you sure you're feeling better to walk around again?" Senku asked his twin, making sure he was alright.

"I'm alright, ototo. I can even run around like before already." M/N responded with confidence.

"M-M/N-chan! You scared me!" Gen exclaimed, terrified by M/N suddenly appearing out of nowhere. "It's not like you're doing anything wrong. What's there to be scared about, Asagiri~?" M/N evilly smiles at him.

"Stop it, you both." Senku sighed at both of them before explaining what Chrome was curious about.

"Listen carefully. To put it plainly, the so-called sound is air vibration. And when it vibrates against the diaphragm, it will produce a small current corresponding to the rhythm. Because it is too small, it is forced to expand. At this time, the vacuum tube is used. Then, as long as this current continuously circulate in one place, it will become a wave of energy. This is called as a radio wave. The receiver only needs to reverse the operation and do it again." Senku explained without a stop.

"I-I probably understood half of it!"

"I don't understand at all."

"The details require a high IQ. It gives me serious headache. Please do tell us where do we have to start from, Senku-chan."

"The extraordinary Science project. The first step is to make..."

"A cotton candy machine."






'Well, the IQ requirement for the explanation seemed to have suddenly dropped by 100 points. Is it all right?' Gen thought while having a 'Are-you-serious' look on his face on display.

'I'm not surprised at this point.' M/N thought while starting to day dreaming again.

Time Skip

"This is..."

"Put granulated sugar here and keep spinning. The liquid sugar melt is forced through the small  holes by centrifugal force. And a stream of sugar melt exits the spinner. This is cotton candy." Senku briefly explains.

"What do you think will happen if we replace sugar with gold?" M/N joins in with Senku's Science talk.

Chrome gave a thought for a while and exclaimed that it will produced gold wires. "Correct. Ten billion points for you, Chrome~!"

"I see. The wiring used for electrical appliances. The IQ requirement that was pulled down finally returned to normal." Gen added.

"All right! I'll get the gold." Chrome stated and ran towards the hut. "Hold on. Gold is too expensive. We can't afford to fail. Let's make cotton candy first. We should at least test the water first." Senku smirks.

They then went to the village in order to grab something when one of the villagers said, "That lady, Homura, set the fire. It damaged the Taro wine and Sweet cooking wine. The fire burned for a long time. Look at that. It all caked up at the bottom of the pot." pointing towards a pot that was full of sugar crystal.

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