Chapter 39: The State Plagued With Perpetual Rain Pt. 2

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"First, let's get the introductions out of the way," says Cloud.

The woman takes a quick swig of her wine. "Henrietta Biggle," she says curtly, wiping the dark red liquid dripping from her mouth with her thumb.

While Stan and the others introduce themselves to her, Ingrum excuses himself, stating he's going to restrengthen the Nullification Barrier.

"What's the reason for the Nullification Barrier?" Cloud asks. "When we got here, there wasn't a single monster around."

"That's because they're detained inside of the tower," Henrietta answers, shocking everyone. No wonder Stan hasn't sensed a barrier around the house, but then he wonders what spell kept all of the necessities inside of here functioning. "And before any of you ask, yes, we've gotten rid of every possible source those things spawned out from."

"But how come you didn't kill the monsters?" Raven asks, confused rather than curious.

Henrietta's face suddenly becomes hard to read. "I can't answer that."

Though her response was honest, its vague meaning only makes her suspicious. "Why?" Clyde asks. He raises an eyebrow, anticipating the answer to his next question. "Is it a secret base?"

Henrietta smirks, humored by his assumption. "I guess you can call it that."

"I knew it," Clyde smirks boastfully.

Raven narrows her eyes at Henrietta. "But that still doesn't explain the purpose for keeping the monsters alive."

Henrietta gives her a blank stare. "Well you won't hear an explanation from me." Raven hardens her glare.

"Then we'll ask-" Cloud begins to say, but gets interrupted.

"Ingrum won't tell you either." Henrietta takes a sip from the wine bottle.

Cloud narrows his eyes. "And why's that?"

Henrietta lets out a sigh after she's done drinking. "Because it's not our right to tell." She returns the glare, skeptical. "Especially to those that abruptly came here just to pry into our business."

Stan doesn't like the way she's leering at them, plus he thinks this conversation is getting them nowhere. "We're here to relay crucial information we've discovered not just to you, but to every person that's still alive. We don't have time to be wasting being suspicious of each other."

"Hmph, you may be right, but one of you should've stated your reasons for coming here in the first place, then this wouldn't have delved into a distrustful discourse," Henrietta scoffs. She guzzles some more wine as if talking that much made her throat dry, or as a way to calm down.

Stan, Raven, and Cloud frown, now aware that their brusque arrival gave the wrong impression. Raven sheepishly clears her throat. "We...humbly apologize for our transgressions. However, we harbor no ill-intentions. We all have a similar goal, do we not?"

"If it's to take down that dammed Dark Master and the darkness, then yes, we do." Henrietta takes a sip of her wine. Just how thirsty is she, Stan can't help but wonder. "So I take it you all came to acquire more members into your group?"

Stan nods. "Yeah, we want-no, need as many allies as we can get while we have the chance."

Henrietta drinks more of her wine before speaking. "Me and Ingrum will assist you all, though before I ask what you meant by your last statement, I want to know..." She extends three fingers from her free hand, pointing at Stan, Kyle, and Kenny. "Why the three of you have been giving off the exact same kind of magical energy."

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