Chapter 37: Setting Out

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(A/n: This chapter will mostly be in no specified persons POV, but I put whose POV it will be in. // means no ones POV)

April 19th

That morning, Kyle and Sharon are glad to see Kenny conscious again, not bothered by the listlessness in his eyes. The two are sitting at the dining table eating breakfast, they both have coffee as their beverage. There are two empty plates, one is across from Kyle and the other one is next to him. Kenny knows that they are meant for him and Stan. Sharon cooked turkey bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast that are on separate plates in the center of the table, there are a bottle of syrup as well as two jars of apple and grape jelly. Stan is still asleep, but it'll only be a matter of time until the scent of all the food rouses him.

Kenny apologizes to Kyle and Sharon with utmost sincerity, then explains his reasons for sneaking out of the house with Stan only.

"That was really dumb of both you and Stan," Kyle says, not mincing his words. "You literally said that it was starting to get dangerous out there the same day you guys snuck out, did you forget that quickly?"

Kenny's frown deepens. "I didn't forget, I...I wasn't thinking too clearly."

Kyle stares deeply into his dark brown eyes, seemingly trying to get a more detailed answer from him that way. He has no such luck, Kenny's irises look like turbid puddles, he can't see anything beyond the lugubrious imagery. "How come you didn't want me and Mrs. Marsh to tag along?" Kyle asks, sounding less upset.

"Because I only wanted to see if my family was really in our old home or not, and then leave afterwards. With or without them." Kenny wishes the former option came true. Fortunately, he will have the chance to search for them once they leave Colorado, and he will not stop until they are found.

Kyle looks away while shaking his head, clearly disappointed by his response. "As if that would've worked." He grabs his half-eaten toast that's smeared with apple jelly from off his plate. "You idiots are really lucky to have held out long enough for Mrs. Marsh, Clyde, and Craig to save your asses." He eats the crispy bread, two more bites and it will be gone.

Kenny appears even more sullen by the truth. "Yeah, I know..."

"You don't have to heal Ike anymore." Kenny widens his eyes at Kyle for suddenly saying that, but the redhead has a sad look on his face as sets the last bit of his toast down on his plate. "He's... He no longer needs to be healed."

"Your Inner Guardian discovered something?" Sharon asks.

"Yes, but he isn't sure what to make of it." Kyle purses his lips tightly. "Ike's not in any danger, that's about as much as he knows." He isn't certain if he should mention the quill or not, he doesn't know what being 'marked' means exactly.

"Don't worry, I'll keep a close eye on him."

Kyle is grateful to hear such reassuring words. "I know, thank you."

Kenny prepares himself to be reprimanded by Sharon next, but she silently sips her coffee. She opens her eyes as she sets the mug down back by her plate, and discerns the nervous anticipation on his face. She gives him a small, non-angry smile.

"Have a seat and eat while everything is still warm."

After a bit of hesitation, Kenny takes the seat across from Kyle. Perhaps she'll scold him after they're done eating so as to not thicken the tension even more. He reaches for a strip of turkey bacon. "My dad was the Being of Darkness."

Kyle and Sharon pause, taken aback by his calm, almost deadpan declaration. They look at him as he takes a bite out of the crunchy and tender meat.

Sharon's face slowly sinks into a mournful frown. "I'm sorry to hear that."

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