Chapter 36: Taking An Inevitable Step Forward - Pt. 2 (Final)

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(A/n: I may or may not upload a Stenny Christmas one-shot on Christmas day, I'm really considering writing one)


"The moment has come sooner than expected..."

Sharon has done a lot of thinking, ever since yesterday morning after her talk with Stan. The many thoughts almost kept her up last night, instead they gave her a pounding headache once she woke up this morning. She used a bit of healing magic to soothe the pain away. She hasn't moved from her spot on the sofa in the living room. She thought back to the current state of the darkness; knowing that its progression had ceased astounded her, but also left her very skeptical. Why did it suddenly stop? Her son provided the cause, revealing that the moon was a powerful obstruction the darkness couldn't get past, which allayed her doubts and got her to believe that their circumstances were well in their favor. Especially since they're being aided by another spirit. Even though she harbored a mild disliking towards Chris due to his past misdeeds and patronizing attitude, she was thankful that he went out of his way to obtain significant information.

After their brief discussion, Stan went to his room, then Sharon thought long and hard about what they should do. Her, Cloud, and Raven had discussed a few actions they would inevitably need to take, the main one was leaving South Park. Sharon knew very well that staying here would get them nowhere, every single monster they killed respawned the next day or two, putting no guaranteed end to their existence. However, Colorado as a whole could not be left unattended, the same treatment applied to Ike as well. Her status as the Queen of Darkness' ancestor didn't garner too much attention it seemed, and so she thought it would be in their best interest for Stan and the others to go out and help the remaining survivors across the world. Cloud and Raven acknowledged her plan with genuine approval, but voiced their precaution measures right after.

Sharon may have anticipated this outcome, however that doesn't mean she's inclined to carry it out. The timing doesn't correlate with their predicament right now. Kenny is still unconscious, who knows when he'll wake up. It's been a week now, soon to be half a week after a few more days. He did undergo 'Forced Power Link' and suffered heavy injuries all the while, it's no wonder his body hasn't fully recovered yet.

But Stan... This is a personal trepidation for Sharon, a fear any mother would feel towards their child or children. Just the thought of him being far away from home, fighting all sorts of deadly creatures, ails her. She knows he won't be alone, he'll have his friends and his Inner Guardian accompanying him, but even so, things can take a turn for the worse. Furthermore, he and Kenny not too long ago survived their confrontation with a Being of Darkness and its minion. Whenever Stan leaves the house now, Sharon cannot block out the possibilities of him running into another Being of Darkness from her mind. He'll undoubtedly come across them more frequently if he were to journey across the world. Not just those, but even fiercer entities as well.

In spite of her disinclination, Sharon calls for everyone to be present at her home for an important meeting through telepathy to some individuals. She mustn't let her emotions tamper with her responsibilities, the world is in desperate need of saving.

She suddenly perceives soft footsteps descending the stairs, then the sound of rushing water coming from upstairs.

She looks over at the staircase to see a girl stepping off of the last step, then timidly entering the living room, her hand clasped over the other over her lower abdomen. Her weary, maroon-colored eyes hold direct contact with Sharon's, despite being nervous. Sharon can tell right away that she is a spirit that possesses both Light and Dark magic, her Inner Aura is a dazzling grey color. She doesn't seem to be an ordinary spirit like Raven, rather her status feels similar to Cloud's.

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