Chapter 28: A Profound Enigma

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Wendy and Bebe sit quietly on the couch. Wendy's trembling had stopped, but she still appears unnerved. She can't stop thinking about the voice she heard when she attempted to Purify Kyle's little brother. They sounded inhumanely hostile, and somehow, they cancelled the Purification spell instantaneously. She wonders if Emerald heard a similar voice back when she tried to free Bebe from corruption. She did ask the Mixed spirit for some tips, but she basically repeated the same thing Elena told her, that it would take a lot of years for her to be proficient at the spell. She also told Wendy that there was a quicker way to bolster Purification, however it was too complex for her to comprehend.

Wendy feels a hand place itself on top of hers that's on her lap. "You don't need to feel bad, at least you tried."

Wendy's face doesn't change, though she is grateful for the comforting gesture and words. "It's...not that. The voice that told me not to interfere...I can't stop thinking about it."

"Then think about something else."

Wendy shakes her head. "It's not that easy-"

"Yes, it is." Wendy looks over at Bebe to see her smiling a little. It appears to Wendy that Bebe wants to distract herself from her own troubling thoughts. "We can continue our conversation about that cartoon."

Wendy straightens her lips into a line. She doesn't want to sit here and do nothing but prattle about a children's cartoon. "Or better yet, we can look for Stan and Kenny."

Bebe's smile drops. "Kyle said it's too dangerous to go out there, remember?"

Wendy looks away, staring at the television. She can see hers and Bebe's reflections in the blank screen. "But what if they don't come back?"

"I'm sure they will, just have faith," Bebe says softly.

"I Also Believe They Will Return Safe And Sound," says Elena. "Sharon Marsh Is A Force To Be Reckoned With, So Whatever Enemy That Gave Off That Forbidding Energy Earlier Will Not Stand A Chance Against Her."

Wendy has never heard her Inner Guardian sound so hopeful before. She closes her eyes, heaving a sigh. "Right, sorry." She opens her eyes halfway. "I don't...know why I'm being so negative." She hates feeling this way, yet there's this nagging suspicion that hasn't left her mind ever since Kyle told them that Stan and Kenny left without a word. She doesn't understand why they would do something so risky. Bebe pats her tensed hand.

"So, about that cartoon..."



"Let's stop here."

Sharon, Clyde, and Craig stop near some train tracks covered almost entirely in snow. Only the teens are out of breath, Clyde hunching over and placing his hands on his knees while Craig puts his hands on his hips. They've been running for over five minutes, the snowfall came to an end at some point earlier. They didn't encounter a single monster while out here, which made Sharon more wary than she already was. It's gotten darker, meaning it's nighttime now. The monsters are normally more active and belligerent around this time. At first, Sharon thought that the reason they didn't see any enemies was because Stan and Kenny had caught their full attention somewhere, but that harrowing prospect left her mind seconds ago, making her feel very slightly at ease. Past the train tracks are homes reduced to ruin along with a multitude of trash and other random junk on the ground blanketed in snow. Sharon has been sensing a strong presence of magic far up ahead. She knows it's not coming from Stan or Kenny, which can only mean that they're fighting...a Being of Darkness. The Being of Darkness must've been the powerful enemy Sharon suspected was lying in waiting. Those things haven't been seen much the past few months. Perhaps it was a strategy the Dark Master forged to lower their guards, or to think that there was a new monster they had to worry about.

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