Chapter 3: Knowing The Truth, But At A Cost

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(A/n: Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!)

August 9th- Kyle

A rustling sound stirs Kyle from his slumber, the evening long gone. The window in Stan's bedroom is partly opened, allowing in some unwanted night air, gently swaying the curtains in its wake. Little droplets of snow are fluttering down from the clouds that are concealing the night sky. This time, the full moon couldn't best the mass of grey clouds from showing itself tonight. Nonetheless, it is a very peaceful night, its repose nature a comfortable atmosphere to sleep in.

Kyle groans when he hears the sound of movement above him once more from his spot on the floor, lying on the Marsh's spare futon by Stan's nightstand. The earlier events left Kyle beyond exhausted. The redhead tosses onto his left side, trying to get comfortable, but the cool air from outside is preventing him from falling back to sleep. More than five snowdrops drift into the room thanks to the tender breeze. "Seriously...?" He groans again, rolling onto his back as he slowly opens his still weary eyes. He blinks a few times, first trying to clear his blurry vision. It proves ineffective, making his eyes heavier with sleep. "Why the heck is it so cold in here?" He wonders with a shiver, not recalling opening the window before heading to bed. Why would he? One would be a fool to even think about letting South Park's infamous weather into their home.

The tired boy sits up with the blanket accompanying him. He uses it to wipe at his eyes. Once he deems his vision clear, he stops and looks around Stan's room, frowning at how dark it is. "Wait," Kyle shifts his body to turn around. As he suspected, the nightlight he plugged in is off. "It's not dead, is it?" Kyle sighs softly in annoyance as he gets up from his makeshift bed, clutching the cover over his shoulders. He ambles over to the window, the innocent, gentle breeze almost negating the warmth of the cover. Shivering again, Kyle stands on his tiptoes to pull the windowpane shut, a few more snowdrops sneaking their way into the room.

He decides to gaze outside. He watches countless snowdrops steadily traveling downward, his frown never-changing. At first, he didn't mind the constant snowfall nearly every day, in fact, he enjoyed it. Snow was something he only got to see and play in during Winter back in New York. But now...he greatly misses the heat of both Spring and Summer, seasons he took for granted. Every time it snows, he's constantly reminded that neither Spring, Summer, nor Autumn exist here. It's already bad enough that whenever he leaves the house, white and grey are all he perceives. There have been seldom days where the blue sky and sun were visible, but Kyle really hates that those are a very rare sight in South Park.

His mood now ruined, Kyle lowers his attention from the sky, his eyes widening instantaneously. He spots a silhouette of a male standing directly across the street from the Marsh's house, his jagged cloak seen fluttering behind him. Kyle wouldn't have even noticed them had he not averted his gaze, plus the dim, white snow on the ground prevented the individual from perfectly blending in with the darkness all around. "Who is that?" The man is giving off all kinds of bad vibes. Kyle can't tell if the person is looking straight up at him or not, it feels as if the two have been locking eyes this entire time. The possibility makes Kyle shudder, not liking the goosebumps sprouting along his arms. He breaks eye contact with the man. "I-I'd better get back to bed." Kyle prepares to close the curtains, only halfway there when he looks back at the figure. He regrets it instantly. His grip on the curtains start to loosen as his eyes widen once again in absolute fear, his body trembling.

The ominous male's mouth is visibly expanding. Bit by bit, his white teeth reveal themselves, and they're abnormally sharp. He gives Kyle a Cheshire smile. No...that man is no human. Its mouth starts to move, slowly mouthing each syllable that makes the child fear for his life.

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