(Arc 1: Young Awakenings) Prologue: How It All Started

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(A/n: Sooo, the story that I discontinued years ago is back! lol different title, but same plot. Hopefully this time I don't somehow fuck up the chapters, which is why I had to delete the story because I didn't have a backup chapter. Ugh, I'm still pissed that happened to this day. But anyway, this is a slow burn, Stenny story that's rated T-M. There will be no smut just gore, blood, and some other graphical stuff. I will put trigger warnings in the a/n of chapters that will require it so be sure to read them just in case they affect your reading. This will also contain supernatural elements, maybe some horror if I write it good enough, and is a dark fantasy AU. Also, characters will be OOC. Please enjoy and South Park doesn't belong to me, just my OC's and the idea. See end notes for the definition of the words in bold)

Up North sat a large manor on top of a hill, overlooking a rural village that was set ablaze. Bright orange flames devoured the crop fields that families and workers alike tended to, and the straw houses they resided in. A lake that the villagers got both their food and water from was sullied by dirt, soot, and blood. The many eye-catching Cherry Blossom trees sadly lost their lives to the fire. The sky that was previously blue, and the scarce amount of white, puffy clouds that drifted about within it underwent a very hellish transformation: the clouds were now an inky black that loomed over a red-orange sky.

A woman let out a shrill scream when a house nearby exploded. "P-please help us, Lady Selene!" She cried with her hands over her head, hunched over on the ground. Unfortunately for her, she chose the wrong place to take cover from the chaos at. Feeling the area she's in getting strangely darker, she looked up only to scream her last breath as a large chunk of the building crumbled down on top of her with a profound thud, crushing her body flat with blood smudging the sandy ground.


"Where are you, m'lady?! We can't handle these monsters by ourselves!" A warrior dressed in an all-black kimono top, hakama (traditional Japanese trousers) bottoms, black tabi socks, and getas on their feet grunted as their katana once again clashed with their foe's blade, which had neither a metallic nor physically solid feature. It was black and had misty pointed edges whisking around it. Both struggled to best the other until the warrior shoved their weapon forward to create some distance between them. They clenched their brown eyes shut, and angled their head upwards at the dark sky. "Please hurry, Lady Selene! We desperately require your aid in this battle!" They shouted again, hoping that their voice resounded far enough for the Queen to hear.

"How foolish." A swift swing of a wicked blade sliced the samurai's head clean off, their eyes still closed. Multiple droplets of blood trickled out of the flying severed head. Once it landed on the ground, more blood sprayed out of the corpse's agape jugular like a water hose, then the legs gave out, and the body fell. Rich red blood rapidly pooled around the headless corpse. Their adversary - a creature with the physique of a man wearing only a long-ragged cloak with the hood over its head, gloves, pants, and boots known as a Being of Darkness - laughed, showing off its sharp rows of white teeth. "Not only did you leave yourself wide open, but you wasted your breath thinking that your bitch of a Queen would help you all. Why would she when she's the one who brought all of this upon herself and her own people?"

"Shut your filthy trap," a female seethed directly behind it.

Before the Being of Darkness had any chance to move, it was also beheaded in the same fashion it did to the warrior. But the Being's head evaporated while in the air as its body toppled over, purple blood quickly spraying out of the wound, and gradually intermixing with the red blood.

The woman, whose long, brown hair was tied into a ponytail by a white ribbon, chiburi'd (flick ones wrist) the blood off of her katana. Its handle was colored purple and gold with a white tassel attached to its kashira (Butt cap), and its tsuba (Guard) was a silver-shaped star. She sheathed it into its ebony wooden saya (a scabbard for a katana) that she'd been holding with one hand. Not a single form of an injury was anywhere on her frame even though she'd been fighting for hours nonstop. She's wearing a plum-colored haori and a black kimono with a white obi around her slim waist. Only her white tabi socks and getas were dirty because of the constant movement on foot. The brunette's narrowed cerulean eyes looked down at yet another one of her many soldiers' fallen forms, sadness replacing anger. "I need to put an end to this as quickly as possible. I cannot allow any more blood from neither warrior nor civilian to be shed," she thought to herself while looking ahead, her eyes gleaming determinedly. "I hope you're doing okay, Rion." Clutching her katana's scabbard, she took off.

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