Chapter 22: The End To The First Battle

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(A/n: Next chapter is the last of this arc, then we will move on to the second arc)


There was a man standing underneath a big tree embellished with over hundreds of white leaves glistening in the sunlight. Stan was staring confusedly at his well-built back. Both of their short, black hair were swaying in the warm wind, and so were the tree leaves in diverse directions. The man's attire was all black and formal, similar to a businessman. Despite being back in the fantasy haven, Stan couldn't take his eyes away from the male in front of him. He felt a sense of familiarity yet great unease about him all at the same time.

The taller noirette crossed his arms. "Didn't expect you to try to interfere so soon." His voice was gravelly calm.

Stan tensed and balled his hands into fists. "A-are you Chris?" He asked, just to make sure.

The man's shoulders moved as he chuckled, then he turned around. His eyes—although the pupils were thin—and the mole under his left eye confirmed his identity. Not only that, but his clothes weren't completely black, his tie was red. "You seriously couldn't tell from my Inner Aura?"

Inner Aura Detection was an ability Stan recently learned while training. Inner Aura was an energy anyone with a Magical Core—a magical source that's located anywhere inside the body—could perceive from within other Inner Guardians and their hosts, or just from humans with magic powers. Chris' Inner Aura was red. Stan narrowed his eyes nervously. "G-give me my body back."

Chris seemed mildly amused by his demand. "The Being of Darkness is nearly dead. Do you think you can finish it off?" Hesitation struck Stan. He was certain to give his all when he was with the fake Kyle, but's like his courage left him the moment he got here and saw Chris, who he wasn't sure if it was actually him or not. His presence alone was just that domineering. Chris heaved a sigh, letdown but not surprised. "What's the point if you're just going to waste mines and Eric's efforts?"

"E-Eric?" Stan repeated. He hadn't seen the fat boy for days after the news broadcasted the murder that took place at the Cartman's residence, thinking he was in the murderer's hands. But he'd all of sudden returned? Stan was glad that he's alright, at least.

"Yes. He came to lend a hand since he is an ally...or perhaps I should say was."

"What do you mean?" Stan asked.

Chris regarded him sternly. "Do you trust me?"

Stan didn't even take a moment to think about his answer. He shook his head with a frown and said, "'ve been hiding something from me." He gazed angrily into Chris' dumbfounded eyes. "And you're a liar."

The wind susurrated over the silence. Stan began to feel a little bad for being so straightforward. The fake Kyle told him that he needn't be afraid of his Inner Guardian since he couldn't hurt him, but he didn't want to hurt Chris' feelings when he'd only been trying to help him.

To Stan's confusion, Chris smiled. "Your intuition never ceases to amaze me. Though, I guess it's to be expected since your mother is an ancestor of the Queen of Darkness." That person again. Chris' lips formed into a line. "Well, you have every right to be angry at me because I have indeed been hiding some things from you. But as I've told you before when we first met, I can't tell you much until you're old enough."

Stan did remember him telling him that, and he still couldn't refute since Chris was right. Perhaps Chris not divulging that his mother was related to the Queen of Darkness was one of those secrets. "Okay..." Stan merely replied.

"Now, I'm going to ask you one more time. Are you ready to deal the final blow to the Being of Darkness?"

Immediately, Stan thought about his mother and Kenny-how they've been fighting the Being of Darkness without him. He closed his eyes. The memory of them getting promptly bested played out in his mind's eye, making him relive the hopeless feeling all over again. But nevertheless, the painful evocation steadily reignited his determination. After everything his mother, Kenny and his Inner Guardian, Chris, and Eric had done, the least Stan could do was put an end to this battle once and for all.

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