Tough love- Chapter seven; First lesson; Dont act like a shy away sheep.

Start from the beginning

"UNO." he said. Then placed down a yellow two. My jaw dropped. "No fair!" I said, then threw down my pick four card. He looked at it and started laughing.

"That's not fair at all. You've won the last five times." I said. He shrugged. "I'm just awesome like that." I rolled my eyes and turned towards the wall. Then put my feet up on the wall. "Your about as awesome as school." I said. He shoved my shoulder and I laughed.

Zach copied my position and propped his feet on the wall. It was quiet for a while and the silence wasn't as awkward as it was.

"Don't act like a shy away sheep."

I turned my head to Zach. He was looking up at the ceiling, but talking to me. "What?" I asked. Did he say sheep? He sighed and looked at me, frustrated. "Lesson one; Don't act like a shy away sheep. When your around Hunter. Be confident in talking to him. Guys like it when girls are comfortable around them. It makes them think their getting some."

"How am I suppose to even do that? I can barley get in three words without stuttering." I said, looking back up at the ceiling. "Get up." I looked back at Zach. "What?"

"Get. Up. Don't make me repeat it again." I sighed in frustration. "Why-" Zach grabbed my legs and pulled them off the wall. Then he grabbed my shoulders and made me sit up. "There. Now, who is your best guy friend?" He asked. I racked my brain. I don't really have any guy friends. It would either be Liam or Austin.....

"Austin, Why?"

"Can you hold a good conversation with him?" He asked. I nodded. "Yea. What does this-"

"Then when your around Hunter, imagine him as Austin." I raised my eyebrows at him. But I wasn't sure if he could see. "Thats kinda hard. Don't you think I've tried that before?" He hewed his top lip lightly an rubbed his chin. He did that for a while. "Why do you stutter around him anyway? There's nothing special about him."

He looked up at me completely confused. He wanted to know. "Its just something that happened back in eighth grade that makes me like him..... I don't even know why.." I buried my face in my hands.

"The dance?" I looked back up at him. His face was a blank stare. Not angry or pissed. Just blank, like he was hiding something off. "Yea. How'd you know."

"Because I was there."

I scoffed. "I feel stupid now. Of course you'd be there.... sorry. I just.... I don't even know anymore."

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I immediately looked up to Zach. "If you like him this much, Parker. You have to do this, weather you like it or not."

I stared at him a minute, before smiling wildly. I then started lightly laughing. He looked at me confused. "Why are you laughing?" He asked. I waved off my hand. "Nothing."


Me and Zach looked at each other for two seconds before realising that was the sound of the door front opening. Me and him jumped up and I accidentally knocked over the cards. I looked back at them. "Really, Parker?" I smiled and shrugged. "Your cleaning that up." He commanded. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the doorknob, then slowly twisted it and creaked the door open softly.

My mom stood at the door, her hair a mess and her cloths crooked. Her red lips stick was smothered on her lips. George stood right in front of her, his shirt and hair like my moms. The first three buttons of his shirt was undone. He placed a hand on her cheek and pulled her in for another kiss.

My heart broke. Mom was cheating on dad. I knew they were fighting but.... I didn't think mom would stoop that low. I squeezed the door handle hard, trying to control myself and not go over there and break his neck.

After their lingering kiss, my mom left. I flared my nostrils, clenched my jaw, and squeezed my fists as George walked into the kitchen. I hate my mom. She just took our family, and broke it like a twig.

Zach pulled me back into the closet and slowly closed the door. "Stay here, okay Alex?" Zach asked, squeezing my shoulders. I was taking deep breaths trying to calm myself.

"I can't make any promises." I mumbled. He nodded in understanding. "Okay." He quickly said and turned around. He walked out of the closet and left the door cracked for me to see.

"What are you doing Zachary?" Oh, that's why he didn't want me calling him that. "What do you want George?"

"Everything. But mainly to just torture you and see what your reaction is after another man has cheated on her. I could do anything to you and you wouldn't say shit."

Another man?

His dad..... cheated on his mom?

And now she's being cheated on by her husband again.

"Just because you know my dad." Zach mumbled, completely defeated. I had never seen him so.... not in control. I had always seen him do everything his way. But not this time....

"Your right. Which means you'll do exactly as I say," George smirked evilly. "Go to your room, boy." Zach clenched his fists tightly an looked back at me. Then at George. "Can I show you something first?"

"What do you want Zachary?" He asked, going into the fridge and getting a beer. Zach walked towards the garage and opened the door. He motioned for George to follow, so he did. George went into the room. "See I pulled up an went inside, then it just started on its own." Zach said. He waved a hand behind George's hand, telling me I could go.

I went out and tip toed out of the house. I ran to my house and slammed the door behind me. I leaned against it and sighed, closing my eyes. How can I even look at my mom? I want to tell dad. I really do.... but Zach...

Zach has a harder life than I thought. And he does more than I give him credit for. He's helping me. He could always stop if I said something.

"Alexandrea Danielle Parker! You were suppose to be home hours ago!" I took deep breaths trying to calm myself from the lecture coming from my parents. Did dad not even notice her come home just minutes ago?

"Im sorry. I got caught up at a friends house." I said, looking directly at my mom. Dad stood tall behind her. His face shielded with anger.

"You were four hours late! You were suppose to be back here at nine. Its one in the morning Alexandrea. What was so important at your friends that was making you late?" My mother asked.

Oh, mom you know, I was downstairs while you were having sex with Zach's stepdad, who isn't dad! Oh yea, and it lasted four hours. Thats why.... Mother! you backstabbing bitch.

"Homework." I simply answered. I wasn't going to call her out like this. Zach had asked me not to. I can see why. His dad cheated on his mom, so he will do anything to not see his dad. But what he needs to realise is this is just going to break his moms heart more if she finds out he knew.

"Go to your room. Now." I shrugged and walked past them shoving my shoulder into my shitty excuse of a mom. I stomped up the stairs and quickly grabbed stuff for a shower, then took one.

After I got out, I laid on my bed, completely whipped.

So today, I got closer to Austin, I saw a fight or the first time, got chased by people that more than likely wanted to kill me, shot a real gun for the first time, found out my mom was cheating on my dad with Zach's stepdad, learned that Zach hates his dad, that his dad cheated on his mom, and I may or may not have connected with Zach.

I know spending four hours with each other in a closet and talking probably helped. I just couldn't get over the fact that my mom is cheating on dad..... it makes me want to punch something. Wait, doesn't Ryder have a punching bag in the backyard?

I jumped up at the idea. But then realised my parents would know I was out there and probably ground me more than they already are going too.

I sighed and fell face first onto my bed. I was so fucking tired all I want to do is......


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