As he thought back, the thought suddenly crossed his mind... Didn't he only have two left? That was barely enough to keep up his dosage for tomorrow... "In two days..?" He said, clearly unsure of his answer, though Aizawa seemed to accept it. How could he not? They'd rather have his date a bit too early then a bit too late..

He'll have to get more suppressants though...


"Where are you going? The dorms are this way" Iida called, as Shoto suddenly strayed away from his side. He liked his friends, but the feeling of an alpha walking this close to him, especially when he needs his suppressants, just isn't a good mix...

"I'm just going to the store downtown... Do you need anything?"

He had actually gotten pretty good with his lies as things were... and if he asks Iida about anything he'd like from the store, it only makes his lie that much more believable. Besides, he already knows what his friend is going to answer- "No, but thank you. I'll see you later then"

As Iida waved and walked off, it was as if a sudden feeling of relief washed over him. He'd seen omegas get swarmed by their friends and being refused to be left alone, in fear of anything happening... this is the only time when Shoto doesn't despise his father's choices upon him..

'Cause while Shoto hates having to lie all of the time, he also likes the fact that no one is treating him any different than they had to. He doesn't like people worrying about him, none the less being around him all of the time.

It was nice being able to be alone, without anyone else having the fear that anything might happen to him... not that he could feel the same way, whenever he walks alone...

This is where Shoto is lucky though, as he's pretty tall and muscular, which means it's easy for him to be confused with an alpha. Plus, he doesn't get easily affected by alpha pheromones like other omegas would, as his father had purposely trained it out of him to show any kind of weakness towards any and every alpha. If you ask Shoto, that's a thing he's grateful about.. just the fact of alphas trying to grope or touch him would be enough for him to freeze them to the ground, or even kill them if it escalated to that point.

He doesn't want that.. it's pretty inconvenient to have a murder under your belt, before you even become a hero...

As the store entered his line of vision, Shoto suddenly felt all of the tension leave his body. He just needs to get his suppressants... then everything will be just fine... The part of hiding his true gender, is definitely the most inconvenient for him. He hates how the workers at places like these, always look at him with pity... some even gives him lectures; "Do you know what they can do to you? Do you understand the risks?"

He did understand the risks.. and he had decided to accept them.. not that he had much choice to begin with...

It only took him about thirty seconds, from having entered the store, and till he were currently looking and searching through the aisle with medicine. They should be just here-

His finger moved as he searched for the iconic bottle he knew a bit too well, only to then realise it was nowhere to be found.. that couldn't be right... he needs them now.. But just as his finger hovered over the spot, where his bottle would usually be, he realised that it was indeed empty. For a moment he debated on whether they could of moved them, but the pricesign underneath the empty spot, still hadn't been changed- Heat suppressants - female.

He needed those damn pills...

If his heat actually starts after the day tomorrow, then he doesn't know what he'll do... he hasn't had one in the dorms yet either... how will his classmates react?

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