Chapter 58

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"Here, take this." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a mask.

Leonis took the mask and looked at it with confusion. "Why are you giving me this?"

"In case you forgot, you're one of the legendary Sword Kings. I can't have people recognizing you when we're out in public."

Other than Arachnus and Valtair, whom I would meet later today, I needed to keep a tight lid on this affair. Things could become rather complicated if word started spreading that I'd somehow managed to employ Leonis, who'd supposedly lost his mind.

Leonis tilted his head and sighed. "As long as you keep your word, I won't complain."

"Don't worry... My maid is sorting out the paperwork as we speak. Your nephews will officially have their freedom in a few minutes."


Leonis put on the mask just as the guards moved to open the door.

I felt a sense of relief swell through me as I stepped outside. The wind was soft and the sun was bright. After spending most of the morning cooped up in that dark, gloomy building, I was glad to be outside again.

"So, this is the great city of Valoria," Leonis remarked. There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Even beneath the mask, his displeasure was evident. A trace of disdain lingered in his eyes as he gazed over the slave market.

"Slavery was abolished centuries ago in Eldrath," Leonis recounted. "It's hard to believe that it's still legal in this part of the universe."

"I'm just as disgusted as you."


The doors flew open and the twins rushed out to join their uncle. Clair and Flavius trailed closely behind.

Turning to Clair, she nodded subtly, signaling that everything had gone smoothly. The twins had won their freedom.

As the twins shared hugs with their uncle, Leonis glanced discreetly in my direction and nodded. I returned the nod with a smile. Hopefully, this show of trust would mark the beginning of a long and fruitful collaboration.

* * *

"This is all we could find on short notice, Your Highness," Clair said, presenting a set of keys to me.

I took the keys and turned to Leonis. "How is the house? Is it to your liking?"

Leonis entered the living room, turning to the window that overlooked the backyard. "How many bedrooms?"

"Three," Clair replied.

Leonis nodded but remained quiet.

Just as I began to think he despised the house, he turned around and sighed. "This place is more than sufficient for the three of us. We'll take it!"

Realizing this would be their new home, the twins squealed and jumped in excitement. They had been holding their breaths for the last few seconds.

"I'm so happy!" Nalia exclaimed, her eyes shining. "This house looks amazing! Good choice, uncle."

Cyrus joined in, his enthusiasm matching his sister's. "After sleeping in a cage for weeks, this place might as well be heaven."

Without warning, Nalia claimed dibs on the bedroom with the largest window and sprinted up the stairs to secure her territory. Cyrus, less pleased, protested about fairness as he rushed after his sister.

Clair and I exchanged glances before breaking into laughter. It had been a while since I witnessed something so simple yet filled with joy. It reminded me of the childish arguments and fights I used to have with Debbie.

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