Chapter 41

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The battle was evolving. Now that Felix had joined the fight, the odds were finally starting to tilt in our favor. With each swing of his blade, a surge of hope pulsed through my veins. It was as if Felix's presence alone had ignited a fire in the team, pushing them to fight with greater resolve.


I turned my head just in time to see a wave of ice hit the vampire, the blast sending him coiling back.

"Nice!" Soren said, flashing Violet a smile.

Violet shrugged.

"Don't let your guard down!" Felix yelled as he charged forward once again. "One little mistake can mean death, understood?"

"Yes, sir!" The rest of the team responded in unison.

As the fight raged on, Violet's mastery of her ice magic became apparent. Her attacks evolved, transitioning from raw power to precision. The air around her shimmered with elegance as she controlled the ice with finesse. Her goal was clear– to restrict the vampire's movements and keep him on the defensive.

That's it! Keep it up, Violet!

Soren and Elandril were also stepping up their game. They were relentless with their attacks, chasing after the vampire lord at every turn, not giving him even a second to rest. Pascal, on the other hand, stood on the outside of the formation, bidding his time, choosing and picking his attacks carefully.

Long story short, we had our enemy surrounded. The vampire, once imposing, was now struggling against the calculated onslaught. With Felix's leadership and Violet's strategic control, the team pressed the advantage. It was a dance of power and strategy, every step calculated, every strike measured.

Feeling confident that we were winning, I leaned against the cool stone wall and lowered myself gently to the ground. I felt weak. I didn't know if it was because of my soar muscles or the fact that my mana core was practically empty. Maybe it was both. I'd tried maintaining a strong front throughout the mission, but now that Felix was back in the fight, I felt like I could finally take a step back and breathe.

Fighting one vampire had depleted all my strength and most of my magic. With what little strength I had left, I'd helped Pascal and Soren finish off the remaining familiars before heading to the enemy camp.

"I need to get stronger," I whispered to myself as I observed the battle from a distance.

I knew I'd fought my ass off, and done just enough to save my team. Still, I had a long way to go if I wanted to reach my goals. Even though I didn't want to admit it, I knew that luck had been on my side today. Thanks to luck, things had played out just right despite the pathetic state I found myself in. If things had been just a bit different, my teammates would be dead and I wouldn't have had the strength to save them.

As my thoughts began to wander off, my thoughts turned to Dahlia. When I first started this mission I hadn't been pleased with how out of the blue it felt. Not only that but, she'd practically given me no information before throwing me into the deep end of the pool. Thankfully, thanks to my training and instincts, I somehow managed to stay afloat and garner a boatload of experience in this world. I got to travel to places I'd never seen and encounter creatures I never knew existed. Not to mention if she hadn't given me this mission, I would have never met the team.

Something else was beginning to weigh on my mind. I couldn't believe I was saying this, but I missed Debbie.

Part of me couldn't believe that I actually missed the bunny girl. After all, I'd spent the majority of this new life plotting and scheming, alienating pretty much anything and anyone who tried to get close to me. I'd allowed the hatred in my heart to rapture and consume me. Despite all that, I'd grown fond of Debbie. The cold stone thing that was once my heart, seemed to still have some warmth left inside. Especially when it came to her. She was like a little sister, whose innocence and care had somehow seeped through the defenses I'd built around myself.

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