Chapter 54

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The anticipation in the throne room was palpable. Every gaze was fixed on the main entrance. Some of the most influential nobles, including three of the seven Grand Dukes had all gathered under one roof, to welcome their beloved monarch.

"The King of kings! A warrior among warriors. A great conqueror! I give you the supreme ruler of our realm, his Majesty, King Valtair Darkbourne!" Sir Clayton announced.

The massive black doors of the throne room groaned on their hinges as they swung open, the heavy thud echoing through the vast space. The triumphant blare of trumpets filled the air, heralding the arrival of the conquering hero, my father.

As Valtair stepped into the throne room, a wave of adulation surged through the crowd. The sea of nobles erupted into a cacophony of cheers and applause, punctuated by the rhythmic chant, "Long live the King!"

My fists tightened involuntarily at my sides as the chants grew louder. The cheers felt like a grotesque mockery over the devastation and chaos Valtair had wrought upon Eldrath. It was twisted. They were treating him like a savior, a messiah of sorts, and I couldn't help but feel a profound disgust for those who cheered. If it were up to me, I'd kill them all. They were just as much to blame as Valtair.

Impudent bastards... I can't believe they're celebrating genocide!

"Take it easy. Your time will come..." Solomon's voice echoed in my mind.

You're right... I apologize.

Taking a deep breath, I shifted my focus away from the noise and looked at Valtair. He remained clad in his battle armor as if he'd just returned from the battlefield. The worn-out armor, paired with the tattered cloak, showcased the result of countless battles—a testament to the war he'd fought. If my memory served, he was wearing the same suit of armor the day Cassius betrayed me.

As Valtair began to ascend the steps to his throne, the cheers from the crowd grew louder. Noticing the shift in the air, I turned and saw a group of high-ranking officers file into the room in columns. Just like their king, they all wore their battle suits.

Feeling curious, my eyes swept across the sea of officers when a distinct shade of green hair caught my attention. My blood ran cold.

It's him... It has to be him!

Noticing that my hands were trembling, I slipped them into my pockets and clenched them. Forcing myself to look up, I felt my throat run dry as my eyes returned to the green-haired demon. There was no mistaking it. Even after all these years, he remained unchanged, untouched by the passage of time.


Without warning, the memory of Amelia dying in my hands exploded in my mind like a nightmare. I felt a surge of rage and guilt as those long-hidden memories made their way to the surface... All I remembered was that I'd failed. I'd been too weak to stop him. Hannibal was the one who did it. He was the one who took her from me. He was the bastard who killed the only person I'd ever loved.

My vision turned red, the temptation to unsheathe my sword and kill him erupting like a volcano. I wanted to kill him. I wanted to make him pay. I wanted to watch him suffer. For years, I'd thought of every possible way to torture and end his wretched existence. Now that he was here, in front of me, I saw my chance. My chance to avenge Amelia. My chance to redeem one of the biggest failures of my past life.

"CALM YOURSELF!" Solomon's stern voice cut through the storm of emotions. "Your blood lust is through the roof!"


I closed my eyes, letting out a controlled breath. The urge for revenge lingered, but I pushed it aside. Even though I wanted nothing more than to kill that wretch, I knew it wasn't the right time. I would have to wait. I had to be patient.

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