Chapter 17

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I woke up early, as usual, to the rhythmic sound of Orsik chopping logs in the crisp morning air. He was always the first one awake, diligently tending to his tasks, even on weekends.

Yawning, I dragged myself out of bed and stumbled to the washbasin. A splash of cold water on my face sent a shock of wakefulness through my groggy mind.

With a renewed sense of energy, I got dressed and made my way outside for my morning jog.

As I stepped onto the porch, the beauty of the morning greeted me. A gentle breeze caressed my skin, carrying with it the delicate scent of blooming flowers. The sun, just beginning its ascent, cast a warm, golden glow across the garden.

"Good morning, Orsik," I greeted as I passed by him, his axe striking the wood with rhythmic precision.

"Morning," he replied, his voice steady and resolute. "Off for a jog?"

I nodded, a smile forming on my lips. "Yes, the usual routine. Wish me luck."

Orsik returned the smile, his eyes filled with genuine warmth. "Luck to you, my friend. May your run be refreshing."

We exchanged well-wishes, each of us ready to embark on our respective tasks. With a final nod, I set off, the steady rhythm of my footsteps harmonizing with the awakening world around me.

As I jogged through the peaceful garden, my mind couldn't help but wander back to the conversation I had with Dahlia the previous night. I wasn't sure how I felt about the mission. Killing some vampires sounded exciting, no doubt, but also a bit overwhelming.

I let out a sigh as I took in the serenity of the morning. Life had been moving at such a fast pace lately, and sometimes it felt like it was spinning out of control. But I wasn't scared, just cautious. Vampires were creatures I'd only heard about in my previous life. To put it simply, besides what I'd heard from idle rumors, I knew next to nothing about them. They were a mystery to me...

Guess I'll learn about vampires the hard way...

Something else had been clawing at me lately, especially in the last couple of weeks. It was a deep sense of disappointment in myself, that whispered in the depths of my mind, taunting me with the notion that I wasn't doing enough.

In the quiet recesses of my thoughts, I wrestled with this suffocating doubt. I had grown stronger over the past year, honing my skills and pushing my limits beyond what I thought possible. I'd stood tall in the face of adversity, prevailing against all the challenges Dahlia had thrown in my direction. But no matter how strong I got, that voice of self-doubt refused to be silenced.

It was an awful feeling that had plagued me for years. A gnawing sense that I had fallen short of where I should be.

Ironically, the source of my torment was no mystery. I knew all too well who held the power to ignite the inferno within me. Cassius, the very architect of the demons that haunted my thoughts, loomed large in my mind. The passage of time had done nothing to quell the fire of vengeance burning within my heart.

Calm yourself, Lucian! Don't let your anger overwhelm you!

I stopped running and closed my eyes to take a deep breath. For a second, I shut everything out, both the real world and the world that had become my mind.

Breath in... Breath Out...

I let out a sigh of relief as a sense of peace filled my chest. Feeling that the worst had passed, I took a chance and opened my eyes.

The beauty of the garden surrounded me, and I couldn't help but find solace in its simplicity. The sunlight streamed through the leaves, casting dappled patterns on the ground.

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