Chapter 53

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"Wasn't father  supposed to be back this morning?" I asked, turning to look out the window.

"He was," Cynthia replied. "From what I've heard, the world gate in Eldrath is taking longer to repair than anticipated."

"What happened?"

I heard my mother write something in her notebook before she answered. "According to the reports I read, the dark elves tried to destroy the world gate before their capital was captured. Even though they failed, they managed to damage the portal quite a bit."

I crossed my arms and shook my head. It was an understatement to say these last couple of years had been hectic...

It all went down not long after I returned to Azurax. If my memory served, it had been just over two years since Valtair declared war against Eldrath. Part of me still recalled that day as if it had just happened. The announcement had come out of the blue. I had never seen it coming. Despite all the efforts I put into halting and disrupting the war, I had failed miserably. Just like in my previous life, Valtair went on to invade a world that had never done anything to deserve being attacked.


"Why hasn't father traveled through another portal?" Clearing my throat, I shifted my gaze toward my mother. "Aren't there smaller portals he can take to arrive sooner?"

Cynthia shook her head. "Knowing your father, he wouldn't leave his troops behind... Besides, I'm sure he wants to return with his men and parade the streets of Valoria to celebrate the great victory they've just won."

Victory, my ass.

I clenched my fists, feeling my stomach churn with anger. I'd heard those words many times before, and I felt sickened by the ignorance they carried. Going to a foreign world, invading it, and then colonizing it—that wasn't a victory; it was oppression. The very idea of labeling it as anything else made my blood simmer with rage.

Sighing, I turned to the door. "Seeing that father isn't here, I'm going to head to the library. Have someone notify me when he arrives."

"Of course, dear."

I slipped out of my mother's room and headed straight for the library.

As I walked through the corridors, I noticed the palace was strangely quiet. Normally around this time, there were bundles of servants, maids, and guards filling the halls. Today was different. I had yet to see any maids or servants, and it seemed there weren't many guards on duty either.

Spotting a guard at the end of the hall, I approached with curiosity. "Guard, why is the palace so quiet today? Where have all the servants gone?"

The young guard looked at me, his eyes widening as he recognized me. "Y-Your H-highness! T-the queen has ordered most of the palace staff to take the day off and attend the parade."

"I see..." I sighed, shaking my head as I walked away. I was disappointed with my mother. It was beyond my understanding how someone as caring and smart as her, could support and celebrate Valtair's sins as accomplishments.

Although my first instinct was to be angry with her, that anger didn't last long. It wasn't her fault she was being influenced by her manipulative egotistical husband.

The moment I stepped into the library, I felt the tension in my chest dissipate. It was nice to be back in one of the few places that brought me ease. My visits were so regular that I even had a designated spot—a small, comfortable desk at the far end of the room, away from the noise, where I could focus on my research without disturbance.

As I approached my usual spot, I spotted Clair standing over the desk that was, by routine, exclusively mine. There was a sense of urgency and discomfort in her eyes as she murmured something to someone.

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