Chapter 16

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Debbie and I gathered at the table as Orsik filled a glass of wine for Dahlia. We were having pork loin with fried rice, along with chicken soup.

"Orsik, your soup is exquisite today," I commended him.

"While I'd like to take credit for that, I have to admit that it was Beatrice who made the soup today," he confessed.

"Beatrice!?" Dahlia exclaimed, slamming her fist on the table. The sudden scream made the rest of us jump in our seats.

"How many glasses has she had?" I asked, mouthing the words to Orsik. The last thing I wanted was to piss off a drunk Dahlia.

Orsik gave me an apologetic smile as he shrugged.

"Milady?" Beatrice asked, rushing into the dining room. "Have you called for me?"

Dahlia nodded and scowled. "Why didn't you tell me you were an amazing cook?"

"M-My lady never asked if I cooked," Beatrice replied.

"I didn't know you were such a talented cook," Dahlia said, her tone surprised yet appreciative. "This soup you've made is absolutely delicious. It's truly one of the best I've ever tasted."

Beatrice lowered her head, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment. "You offer me too much praise, lady Dahlia."

"Dahlia isn't exaggerating," I remarked, taking another sip of the soup. "The soup is exquisite, Beatrice."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, Your Highness."

"I also like today's soup, mommy. I really hope that you make it again. This is the best soup I've ever had!" Debbie exclaimed, practically jumping out of her seat.

"Don't forget your manners, Deborah!" Beatrice hissed.

Debbie lowered her head and blushed. "Sorry..."

"How many times do I have to tell you to go easy on the girl?" Dahlia chuckled. "I don't mind her lively behavior one bit."

"I'm afraid that if I don't discipline her, nobody will," Beatrice explained, smiling apologetically.

I smiled as I watched and listened to the comical exchange between Dahlia and Beatrice. To me, they always seemed more like sisters than a servant and a master. Even though I didn't know much about Debbie's mother, I knew that once upon a time, Dahlia had saved the life of a pregnant Beatrice after her home was destroyed.

A few months ago, Orsik revealed to me the tragic turn of events that shattered Beatrice's life when her village was mercilessly destroyed. In a twist of fate, it was Dahlia who happened to stumble upon a gravely wounded, pregnant Beatrice. Driven by compassion and a sense of duty that knew no bounds, Dahlia extended her hand without hesitation.

Under Dahlia's care, Beatrice's wounds slowly mended, and it was within the sanctuary of the mansion that she found solace and safety.

With heartfelt dedication and unwavering support, Dahlia stayed by Beatrice's side during her time of need and guided her through the challenges of pregnancy. It was beneath Dahlia's watchful eye that Debbie, Beatrice's daughter, came into this world.

Since that fateful day, Dahlia became an irreplaceable figure in Debbie's life. She was like an aunt, that constantly searched for ways of spoiling her beloved niece.

What struck me even more, was the unwavering sense of indebtedness that Beatrice held toward Dahlia. Despite Dahlia's reassurances that no debt was owed, Beatrice carried the weight of eternal gratitude and swore an unbreakable oath to serve and remain by Dahlia's side.

"Lucian?" Debbie asked, her voice snapping me out of my thoughts.


"You zoned out again," Debbie said, giving me a worried look.

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