Chapter 42

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"Why... Why did you do that?" I asked, my voice trembling with anger and grief. He was acting indifferent about what he'd done, wiping the blood off his boots like it was nothing.

Enzo looked up at me, feigning innocence. "Whatever do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb!" I snapped, my emotions swirling in turmoil. "Wasn't he your friend or something? Didn't you come here to save him?"



Enzo chuckled. "Friend? What friend? You think that blood-sucking leech was my friend?"


"The truth is, we were never friends... We made a temporary alliance because we had a common goal. But now that he's served his purpose, I've cut him loose... It was the logical thing to do, don't you think?"

Damn bastard...

I clenched my fists, feeling the temperature rise in the cave. I couldn't tell if it was because of my boiling anger or Enzo's aura of cruelty filling the air. Either way, I knew he was scum, and I needed to take him down.

My body was exhausted, my legs weak, and my mana almost depleted. But I didn't care. That wasn't going to stop me. Enzo had murdered Felix, and I couldn't let him get away with it. There was no way in hell, I was going to let Felix's death go unwarranted...

I knew very well that the odds were stacked against me. But I didn't care, I was used to being the underdog, especially in my old life. The odds had always been stacked against me, and that had never stopped me from fighting. I fought to the very end, never once betraying my ideals.

Enough thinking... It's time to wrap things up...

With a rush of adrenaline, I wrapped my fingers around Blood Reaper and lunged at Enzo, aiming for his chest. But before my blade could reach its mark, he caught it effortlessly with his claws.

Oh, shit!!!

Fear tore through me, paralyzing my limbs as I looked up at Enzo. His eyes glinted with amusement, reveling in my futile attempt. I felt like a mere insect caught in a spider's web, helpless and vulnerable. I knew I was no match for him, but I couldn't back down, not after what he'd done.

"I'll make you pay for what you did!" I growled through gritted teeth, trying to push my blade forward despite his vice-like grip.

"AAARRGGH!!!" I pressed down harder and harder but to no avail. No matter how hard I pushed, it felt like I was pushing against a brick wall.

Enzo's smirk widened, and he tightened his grip on my sword, making it clear that he was in control. "I'd like to see you try and make me pay, dwarf."

My heart pounded like a war drum, the sound echoing in my ears as I fought against him with all my remaining strength. Unfortunately, I was running on empty fumes. I was physically and emotionally drained from the battle and the death of Felix. The pain in my chest was suffocating, the hurt and anger blending together into a seething fire.

At that moment, I realized that I wasn't just fighting Enzo. I was battling my own demons too. The overwhelming sense of helplessness threatened to consume and drown me in despair. Memories of my old life flashed in my mind, the faces of the people I'd left behind clawing at my soul. I felt sad. I felt weak. I felt guilty... In the past, I'd failed to save my comrades, yet here I was once again, stuck in the same situation... The pain was unbearable, the remorse indescribable... But I couldn't succumb to it. I couldn't let him win.

As tears welled up in my eyes, I fought them back fiercely, refusing to show any weakness to the heartless creature before me. I had to find a way to win, a way to survive and avenge Felix's death.

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