Chapter 11

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A massive magic circle loomed before me, stretching out to the far corners of the room. It was enormous - easily the size of one of the guest suites within the castle. I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sight before me. Even in my previous life, I had never witnessed anything quite like it.

I watched as the mages in front of me began their preparations, their movements precise and deliberate. It was clear they had done this many times before. They worked with a level of expertise that spoke of years of experience, of countless hours spent mastering the art of arcane magic.

As the portal began to take shape, I could feel my body growing heavier. It was as if the air around me was pressing down, making it difficult to move.

I had done well during the past five years I'd spent in the palace. I'd grown stronger than I expected and gained a vast amount of knowledge that was sure to come in handy one day. Still, I had so much left to do, and I was certain that this new stage of my life was going to be anything but a breeze.

"A word of warning, son."

Valtair's voice shook me out of my thoughts, his dark gaze boring down on me. "Learn to be humble, be prepared to listen, and talk very little. If you do these things, you'll survive the training. My master doesn't like talkers or egotistical brats."

Of all the people in this universe, I can't believe Valtair is talking about humility?! How the hell did an egocentric maniac like him survive?

A small smile managed to escape my lips as I accepted his advice with great pain. "I understand, father."

"If you tell me that next time we meet, I'll believe your words."

I looked back at the gate and saw that it was emitting a steady bluish-purple light.

"So, this is the legendary imperial gate?"

"Dear God, of course not. This is my personal portal."

Personal portal?! What a show o-

Wait a moment! I've seen this portal before... But from where?!

I hastily dropped my backpack to the ground and fished out the worn book on barrier magic and magic circles that I had brought along for my journey. As I gazed at the shimmering portal before me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement mixed with apprehension. The portal's physical features looked strikingly similar to the sketches I had seen in the book, and I felt compelled to review my notes.

I quickly flipped through the pages of my book, scanning the countless diagrams and detailed descriptions of magic circles and portals until I finally came across the one I was searching for. With a furrowed brow, I began to scrutinize every detail of the sketch, comparing it to the portal before me.

Despite a few minor discrepancies, the major physical characteristics were nearly identical. It was as if the author of this book had designed the portal himself. The thought sent a chill down my spine. Was it possible that the same person who had written this book was behind Valtair's portal? It seemed too uncanny to be a mere coincidence.

"Interesting," Valtair said as I flipped through the sketches.

"What's interesting?"

"I'm surprised you're interested in the work of Maestro Edward."

"Maestro Edward?"

"The author of the book."

"I see..."

Valtair gestured toward the portal. "He was also the brains behind most of the portals in Valoria."

"This Edward guy sounds like quite the visionary."

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