Chapter 1

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"There's too many of them!!!" I yelled, lowering my head as an explosion went off.

With a final hoist, I pushed myself to the top of the cliff, where I lay breathless for several seconds. I was exhausted, not just physically but mentally. I'd been fighting for hours without rest. Every part of my body was hurting, with the muscles on my neck competing against the pain in my broken leg.

"GET BEHIND ME!" Cassius roared, his voice reverberating through the chaos.

A wave of mana brimmed in the air, coursing through Cassius's body as he brandished his spear. Noticing the increase in strength, the group of demon knights blinked in surprise, slowly backing away in apprehension.

Are they scared of us? No, that can't be it...

As if the very air itself knew what was coming, it started to grow thick and oppressive, making it harder to breathe. I could feel my heart pounding against my ribcage like it was trying to escape, a sense of dread settling deep in my stomach.

Within the span of a heartbeat, the shadows parted around us, giving way to the ominous emergence of a figure— one of the seven grand demon lords. The demon lord wore a gray cloak, its hood drawn low over his face.

Slowly, he lifted the hood, to reveal a white mask that hid everything but his piercing cold gaze. My instinct was to retreat, but when I tried to move back, I couldn't. It was like my body was frozen in place.

"Stay back, Victor," Cassius growled, his voice low and menacing. "This one's mine."

I wanted to protest, to tell Cassius I could fight too, but I knew deep down I would only get in his way. So I stayed behind him, clutching my fists, praying he would emerge victorious.

The demon lord ignored Cassius completely, his gaze shifting in my direction. My heart felt like it was going to burst as he spoke my name, his words dripping with malice.

"You are a long way from home, Victor Drake," the masked demon said. Judging by the overwhelming aura radiating from him, I knew was no match for him.

Get a hold of yourself, damn it! You're a Master Class Mage, now act like one...

"Oh, so you've heard about me, demon."

The demon lord shrugged, his gaze unwavering, as his eyes traced over my body.

"If you've heard of me, then you must know what I'm capable of," I said, hoping to plant a seed of doubt.

"What an unfortunate situation you find yourself in, Mr. Drake."

"Why is that?" The moment the words left my mouth, my confidence slowly began to fade. Something felt wrong. I didn't know what, but something felt amiss. Had I missed something?

Summoning every ounce of my willpower, I fought hard to project a strong front. I knew better than anyone, that showing weakness in front of a demon was lethal. I needed to exude confidence to the utmost regard to make these fuckers wary of attacking me.

"I'm afraid you still haven't realized what's happening. How sad."

Is that pity I see in his eyes?!

The rest of the demons that stood behind him, glanced at each other before they burst into laughter. I looked at Cassius for answers but saw that he was as confused as me.

What is so funny? Why are they laughing? Am I missing something?

Just as I turned my attention back to the demon lord, I saw Cassius's body vanish before a jolting pain spread through my back.

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