Chapter 28

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As we raced across treetops, Violet glanced back at me with a sharp look in her eyes. "You better not slow me down!"

"I won't," I muttered under my breath, knowing it would fall on deaf ears.

We traversed the woods, jumping from branch to branch, as Thornshade loomed in the distance. The mountain stood tall and imposing, its peak obscured by swirling clouds. Its sheer size was enough to make anyone feel insignificant.

We had been scouting the eastern region for hours, the morning passing without encountering a single living soul. The silence was broken only by the rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds.

"How far are we from the eastern entrance?" I asked.

"Are you in a rush or something?!" Violet snapped, her tone sharp and dismissive. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know you had somewhere to be..."

"I just asked out of curiosity, you know..."

"You'll know when we're there."

I clenched my fists, anger bubbling within me. It didn't matter how nice I was, nothing seemed to ease this girl's temper. I cursed Elandril for being the cause of this horrible pair-up. If it wasn't for him, I'd be having a pleasant day, free from the stress that was Violet.

As we continued our journey through the woods, a chilling wave of bloodlust suddenly filled the air, piercing through the tranquility of the forest.

Violet and I locked gazes, a silent understanding passing between us.

Reacting swiftly, Violet dropped to the ground, her thin frame melding seamlessly behind a bush. With urgency in her gesture, she beckoned me to follow.

"What was that? Did you sense where it came from?"

Violet pressed a finger against her lips, silencing me. I rolled my eyes, reminding myself to be patient. The sooner we finished this mission, the sooner I'd get her off my back.

As we crouched behind the bush, the distant murmur of voices grew louder and I dampened my mana to conceal my presence. Peering through the foliage, my eyes widened as three figures emerged into my line of sight.

Two beastmen, bearing the likeness of deer, advanced toward us. Their bodies were wrapped in heavy fur coats, and they wielded round shields and long axes with practiced ease. Walking behind them was a beastwoman, her tiger-like characteristics unmistakable in her bearing. She wore an iron breastplate and carried a pair of daggers on her hips.

"I think they're patrolling the area," I whispered to Violet.

Violet nodded in agreement but said nothing.

As the trio passed by our concealed spot, their conversation reached my ears in fragments.

"Those bastards better show us more respect today," the shorter deer spoke with a tone of annoyance.

"I dare them to fight us if they think they're so tough," the other one replied.

"Enough with your mindless prattle," the woman scoffed, her voice cutting through the air. "If you don't want what happened last time, to happen again, then make sure the shipment isn't short by even a single gram..."

Undeterred by her, the shorter deer continued. "You and your buddies should be scared of our master. With a flick of his fingers, he could eliminate all of you!"

"Your master should be the one trembling if he doesn't hold up his end of the deal."

A palpable wave of bloodlust surged from the woman, effectively silencing the taller deer, who had opened his mouth to speak.

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