Chapter 35

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Violet Celeborn

For as long as she could remember, Violet had been training her entire life. From her early childhood, until now, her life had been dedicated to one thing and one thing only. Getting strong.

Violet had been born to one of the most powerful families in Alveria. Putting aside the fact that her father was the emperor's second cousin, he had once held the esteemed position of the supreme commander of the Divine Twelve.

If you thought her family's legacy ended with her father, you were in for a world of surprise. Her older sister, Ophelia, held the record for being the youngest elf ever to join the ranks of the Divine Twelve. Her sister wasn't just a prodigy. She was a genius among prodigies.

Overshadowed by the accomplishments of her elders, Violet had spent her life striving to bridge the chasm that separated them. It wasn't for a lack of intelligence or strength on her part—quite the contrary. Even for someone of her age, Violet's aptitude was extraordinary. Unfortunately, being exceptional alone didn't suffice when one bore the weight of the Celeborn name.

Her twin brother, Elandril, was nothing like her. Even though Violet knew that he was a hint stronger, she was more relentless. It balanced out the odds. Yes, their father had forced them to become adventurers and while they had no other choice but to watch each other's back, Violet had never forgotten the truth. Not even for a moment.

When it came down to it, her brother was an obstacle. An obstacle that she needed to beat. It was a competition. A competition to see who would garner their father's approval. Violet knew all too well she wasn't as talented or as clever as Elandril. But she had more work ethic. And she was proud of that.

The time for training was over. The time for games was over. It was time to show what she was capable of. Not just to the world, or to her father, but to herself. It was time to prove that she was more than worthy of bearing the name, Celeborn.

"Ice spear!" Violet's voice pierced the chaotic air as she conjured an ice lance, hurtling it forth with blistering speed. The projectile cleaved through the air, unrelenting in its path, and found its mark with cruel precision.

The guard, unable to withstand the five-inch hole in his chest, crumpled to his knees, falling face-first onto the unforgiving ground.

Noticing the death of his comrade, a boar-like beastman bellowed with seething anger. "You wretched witch! How dare you take his life?! You'll pay for this!"

Violet infused mana into her hand, forging a glimmering blade of ice. As her fingers wrapped around the hilt, she raised the ice sword, directing its point at the boar-man. "Will you stand and face me, or slink away like a coward?"

"I'm no coward," the boar man hissed, defiance burning in his eyes.

"You sure about that? Because you look like a coward to me."

"Damn, you!!!"

Violet smiled inwardly, happy that her tactic was working. Violet wanted to draw out his anger and force him to strike first. The angrier he was, the sloppier he'd be when they fought. It was all part of her meticulous plan.

"Well, then," Violet feigned a sigh. "Come and prove that you're not a coward."

A thunderous growl erupted from the boar-man as he drew his sword, raising it high before swiftly descending upon Violet in a ferocious strike. Reacting with the speed of a predator, Violet intercepted the blow, their blades colliding. Utilizing the momentum, she spun gracefully, her leg arcing through the air to deliver a forceful kick to her opponent's vulnerable limb. The boar-man cried out in pain as his balance wavered, but in an impressive display of resilience, he managed to regain his footing. Seizing the opening, he dove in for a counter, aiming for Violet's exposed leg.

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