Chapter 20

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As I stepped into Ravenwood station, a sense of nostalgia washed over me. The train station exuded an old-world charm, harkening back to a bygone era before the advent of industrialization. The architecture showcased intricate details, with ornate pillars supporting the high arched ceilings.

The walls were adorned with vintage advertisements, faded with time but still bearing hints of their once vibrant colors. Sunlight filtered through large stained-glass windows, casting a warm and ethereal glow throughout the station.

Approaching the ticket counter, I found myself face to face with a young woman behind the glass frame. Her ears, resembling those of a cat, twitched with curiosity as she glanced up at me with kind eyes.

A warm smile played upon her lips as she greeted me, "Welcome to Ravenwood station. How may I assist you today?"

"I would like to purchase an economy-class ticket for the train to Elysium, please," I said, returning her smile.

"With pleasure, sir. That'll be thirty moonstones."

I nodded and passed her a bill for fifty.

With a nod, she skillfully navigated the array of buttons and levers on her side of the counter, swiftly processing my request. After a brief moment, she slid my ticket and change through the small gap in the glass.

"Thank you for traveling with Phoenix Express and we hope you have a good journey to Elysium. Safe travels!"

I reciprocated her warm wishes and turned away from the counter, clutching the ticket in my hand. Glancing at the split-flap display, I noticed that I had a bit of time before my train's departure. Twenty minutes to be exact.

As I walked to the designated gate, I couldn't help but observe the diverse crowd of passengers from all walks of life. There were families with young children in strollers, solo travelers lost in their own thoughts, and groups of friends sharing stories and laughter.

Finding a vacant bench, I settled down, the coolness of the wooden slats seeping through my clothing.

After the crazy morning I'd just experienced, this small pocket of tranquility was a welcome reprieve. I looked up at the ceiling, letting out a deep sigh, as I allowed the weight of the morning's events to settle.

The day had started like any other. I woke up to the first rays of sunshine peeking through the curtains, a gentle nudge to embrace the new day. I quickly showered, feeling the water invigorate my senses and wash away any lingering drowsiness.

After a quick breakfast, I paid my bill and returned the room key, bidding farewell to the cozy accommodations that had sheltered me.

Stepping out into the streets of Ravenwood, I soon realized that its small size seemed to hide a labyrinth of confusing alleys and deceptive corners. Lost in the maze, I found myself circling familiar paths, growing more disoriented with each futile attempt.

In the midst of my frustration, a ray of hope emerged in the form of a kind street vendor. Offering their assistance, the vendor provided me with clear directions, pointing me toward the right path.

If it hadn't been for the vendor, I would have probably never made it to the station.

As I sat lost in my thoughts, a distant sound reached my ears- a piercing whistle, echoing through the station.

I turned my head in the direction of the noise, and my eyes widened as a train came into view. It was a majestic sight, a behemoth of iron and steam, gliding along the tracks with an air of purpose.

I marveled at the impressive length of the train, counting each wagon as they rolled by. There was a grand total of thirty-five wagons attached to the train. Eventually, the train came to a halt, and the piercing screech of brakes filled the air.

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