Chapter 43

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"Any last words?" Enzo asked, a twinkle of amusement flashing in his gaze.

Even from far away, I could feel the terror in Elandril's eyes. Never in a million years, could I have expected things would turn out like this. Felix was gone, and now Elandril was hanging on a very loose thread. One death was bad enough. I needed to figure out a way to save him.

Think, Victor! Think... How can I save Elandril?

I closed my eyes, hoping that the answer would somehow magically form in my head. I thought hard and deep, desperately trying to grasp at straws. Anything that could help me change the tide.

Wait a second!!! Can't I just summon Dahlia using the necklace she gave me!?"

I lifted my chin to try and reach for the necklace but failed to find it.

Oh, no! Where did it go?!?

Desperation clawed at my chest as I realized Dahlia's necklace was missing. Stress and pressure bore down on me, fueling the fear that had become all too familiar in this nightmare of a battle.

With great effort, I forced my battered body to turn, my gaze scanning the dark cave around me. My fingers, slick with blood and trembling with exhaustion, reached for the empty space around my neck where the necklace should have been. Anger welled up within me, mingling with confusion as I wondered how it had come loose.

That's a stupid question... For all I know, I could've dropped the necklace ages ago, someplace I'll never reach in time...




As despair threatened to tighten its grip on my chest, a glint of silver pierced the dimness of the cave. There, about twenty paces away, lay the necklace. It gleamed as a small but brilliant beacon of hope. In that fleeting moment, resolve surged within me, overpowering the pain and exhaustion. I understood with unwavering clarity that I had to reach it, no matter what.

I better get moving! The clock is ticking...

As I commenced the arduous task of dragging my body across the ground, pain escaped my lips in a barely audible hiss. I couldn't believe how rough the cave floor was. The harsh, jagged rocks dug into my palms and forearms, leaving angry red welts as I pulled my torso forward. My knees, scraped raw, left behind a faint trail of blood mingled with sweat and dirt.

Don't think about the pain, Victor... Just keep moving...

You can do this!

With each agonizing inch gained, my body seemed to rebel, my muscles screaming in protest as if pleading for mercy. I felt the sting of fresh wounds and the dull throb of existing injuries intensify with every painful pull, but I couldn't let it deter me. That necklace was the only hope we had of making it out of this cave.

"Please, don't do this!"

The moment Violet's voice reached my ears, I came to an abrupt halt. With what little energy I had left, I forced myself to look back.

"Please, spare his life!" Violet sobbed, her voice trembling with desperation. "He's my brother, my family. You can't take him from me!"

Why is she on her knees!!! What is she doing!?!

"Why should I spare your brother?" Enzo asked, his voice carrying a hint of pleasure.

Even from this distance, I could sense the sadistic pleasure radiating from Enzo. His amusement at Violet's distress sickened me to the core.

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