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Hey guys!

Thank you for choosing to read my book! I honestly am a little skeptical about this one but at the same time YOLO.

Okay so here goes the trigger warnings.

There are dark themes. So, the things the characters do or say to each other isn't going to be morally right but it's nothing too intense, and don't worry there will be HEAVY character development.

There are some upsetting themes in this book such as Sexual assault, Abuse and Drug abuse. This is the only trigger warning so please take it in.

Okay and another thing, I am in no shape or form glorifying the themes in my book. I'm simply brining awareness to them. If you experience any of these things, then please talk to someone or reach out to get help.

Okay another thing! I know how most enemies to lovers is a slow burn. This book is a bit different. It happens a bit quicker than usual, but there's also going to be humps in the road on the way, and I'm keeping up their banter of how they are with each other.

Please keep the negative comments to yourself, If you see something and want to give me criticism just message me. 

Also! I'm an RnB girlie real baddddd so some of the songs on the playlist are RnB songs. So jus a heads up.

Okay guys that's enough. I hope you enjoy!

𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐙𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐡Where stories live. Discover now