To serve and protect

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(A/n: Congrats if you know what this is based off)


"Hey you good?" I asked the crying pink haired girl. She turns and faces me. "Okay not a girl." I thought to myself noticing his suit. He looked at me as tears fell off his cheeks. He looked no older than 4, my age. "Lucky me. A new friend!" I thought to myself as I walked over.

I eventually got him to calm down and we decided to meet up next week.

"Hey, my older brother said that there's a way wishes can come true!" He looked at me as if I solved all his problems. "Wha? H-how??" He said with stars in his eyes. "You write your wish a in a bottle and see what happens after"

Over the next few years, we grew apart. I later came to find out I played therapist to the royal prince.

I only found out once he became king. His mother, the only person he loved in his life, fell ill and died.

He became king at fourteen, I could only imagine the heartache.

"Moms really sick so I won't be able to meet up with you anymore, Kou." Sousuke said as he hid a tear. I smiled at him. "It's fine, I think it's lovely you want to take care of her." I said still holding my smile.

"Just cry if you need to idiot." He looks at me with a soft gaze. "I'm here for a little, tell me anything you need" he said with a slight blush. Seeing that blush got rid of my sad feelings and made me happy.

"No no I'm just.. processing it.." I say scratching my left cheek with a single finger. "Why does he make me feel so nervous?" I wondered as I stared solely at him.

"Sir Kou, wake up" the guard woke me up. "Oh right" I grumbled as I got out of bed. "Even if he does have anmesia like everyone says, I'm still his best friend and I have to take care of him." I think to myself while getting ready.

"Hey Kou, be careful. Mitsuba is a little... not it today...." Natsuhiko, also one of the kings servants said.  I sigh. "Why does sousuke always have to be this way" I said at him.
"It's the week of this mothers death." Natsuhiko says in a more serious tone. "And with the war going on? Poor guy" I finished putting on my shoes and stared at natsuhiko. "Well what does he want me to do?" I ask "He said to meet him in the garden."

I nod and then make my way to the garden. "You called?" I say smiling at him. "Yes I did. I like this flower. What type is it?" He asks, "I believe it's a rose." He blushed at my statement. "I KNEW THAT!" He storms inside as I smiled at the cute and childish action.

"Anyways, what's our next move for the war? The soldiers have been asking." I say looking at him a little curiously. "We go and attack their queen head on. Or better yet kidnap their heiress." He says flashing a malicious grin.

"But.. were we not going to regain their trust and stop the war?" I ask. "Hmm.. Well consider this my change of plan." He says now sitting on his throne. "I am your king. You should be at my feet." He says snickering.

"Well.. of course, sire." I say now sitting in front of him. "Well then you maid, the one with fat ankles and ugly bangs!" He yells at my friend Yashiro. "Go tell them I will personally lead the invasion."

A few hours later out invasion started, resulting in many deaths. Sousuke had messed up, he lost many many lives and didn't end up winning.

Defeated, he requested alone time in the garden.

"Tsukasa." He said with a serious face as a Radom boy appeared. "You said I would win if we did it today." He says to the boy. "W-wait what?" I ask curious of the boy who literally came out of thin air.

"Well your wish was complex. I prefer easy wishes, in any case. I'll take more memories that I find useless so you can make another wish." Sousuke nods as I nearly jump out the window to stop him.

"Oh wait. I forgot. You can't have any more wishes." He said giggling. "People hate you.
Someone wished it. Id assume one of Amane's customers did it. Id suggest you sort that out first." He smiled and disappeared.

Sousuke gasped. "N-no... this can't be.." he said now on his knees. I smiled. I could never hate him. "Sousuke?.." I said as he jumped. "I saw what happened, would you discuss this over some tea?" I say smiling.

".. alright.." he says sounding unsure. I hand him a cup of jasmine tea. "So let's start." I smiled sweetly at him. Suddenly men barged in my room.

"Young prince, we have found some things that people want answers to. They are starting a riot." A guard said. "We'll do something about it."

"The thing is we want answers ourselves." He snickers. "Why did you summon a demon? You performed witchcraft so as the rules say. Tomorrow you shall be beheaded as the townsfolk requested." The grin I once held faded.

Three hours later Sousuke got the riot to calm down a little.

"Kou Im scared.. they want me dead.." he said to me seeming genuine. "It's okay.. when I was little my brother would write wishes let's try that and see what happens" I say smiling.

"Okay?" He says with a slight scoff. "Remember when we played like this?" I asked with a soft smile. "E-eh?" He looks at me confused.

I look at him. "We used to be childhood friends, remember?" I ask him. "That was you?..." he asks with tears in his eyes.

"Yes." I smile at him. For once he smiles back. "I have something to confess before I die, I may or may not have fallen in love with you." I giggled in response.

"I fell too. I don't want to see you die." I hold his face in my hand.  "I still really like you."

He smiles. "I hate you." I giggled. "Way to kill the mood." He sighs in response. "It can't be helped, I will no longer be here." He looks at me with genuine sadness. "I'm sorry, kou."

I look at him with wide eyes. "H-hold up! You don't plan on escaping!?" I ask him feeling the lump in my throat grow rapidly.


That night I refused to sleep in my own bed. Instead, I slept at Kou's side. Even if I did have the man I liked next to me, I couldn't sleep. Especially because I wouldn't be alive after the church bell rung.

"Good morning" I heard someone whisper to me. I looked up to see the blonde man I loved. "Hey guess what I'm dying in a few hours!" I say with sarcastic enthusiasm.

"Sousuke.. that's messed up" he kisses my cheek. "Nothing will happen. I am your servant." He ran his finger through my hair. "I will serve and protect you, it's my duty." He smiles at me.

"Let's swap clothes." He says with a serious glare. "W-wait what?" I ask him feeling dumbfounded. "I will take your spot. I will dye my hair and cut it a little to match yours." I slap him hoping it would knock some sense in that moron.

"Are you crazy!?" He hugged me tight. "We were separated by your royal duties. We never had a chance considering we're both boys." Hearing all this made me sad. Something I refused to feel after my mothers death and cutting ties with Kou the first time.

"But we will meet again. I don't care how long it takes but we will meet once more" he smiles at me. "Our situation is sad but it's not over yet!" Hearing him say it made me blush. It has been a while since someone genuinely cared for me.


And so my day went on. We spent that afternoon making him look like me and making me look like him. It wasn't perfect but it was undetectable.

And so the time came.

"Any last words, mitsuba" they asked kou as I watched with the crowd. He shook his head no and then put him in the contraption.  It was at that moment I realized I was sobbing.

"Kou is gone..." I remember those being my last thoughts before I drowned myself.

(A/n: Im so silly. This is based off the servant of evil and daughter of evil series. I would 100% recommend! Anyways yeah! That's all!)

Word count: 1476

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