His heart beat (i type "his heart beat" again and I will stab U- Mitsuba's POV)

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What do you mean by that?...

As I ran away I felt the tears running down my face. I told him. I really did tell him. He could either accept and reciprocate my feelings. We'd basically be a couple! We'd hold hands, go on dates, compliment me cause he's head over heels in love with me!

We could also hug, cuddle, sleep in each other's arms, he'd confort me when Im not at my best like how he does now. Id hate to admit it, but what the hell! These are my thoughts, who could be reading them? Anyways, kou is my ideal type... he's pretty much perfect. Way better than I'll ever be.

But still.. he prefers Nene. I can't blame him. Who would want a stupid, arrogant, cocky, gay, girly kid? "UGH GODAMN IT" I yelled as I huddled in the corner of the schools rooftop. Not too long afterwards, kou waltzed right in, like he had followed me.

When I saw his face drowning in guilt and regret, I knew what was coming. "Mitsuba, if this is a prank I'll kill you." He says with a cute and forgiving smile. UGH! SO MANY MIXED SIGNALS! He lifted my chin up to look at my eyes. He stared at them for what felt like an eternity.

I didn't know what to say or do so I just stared back..

And after a while...

We kissed.

Me and Kou minamoto, my crush of four years, kissed. I felt his warm lips an mine. I don't know how to describe this feeling other than magical. His lips were tender and soft. I wonder what he thought of it, I know what I think. I think this is the man I'll marry.

As our lips separated, he sat next to me. He hugged me, not in the way friends do, he hugged me like  a boyfriend would confort his cry girlfriend and vise versa. And I think it worked. I felt cared for, seen.... Loved.

And it was all thanks to Mr. Minamoto Kou. God I sound like nene now. It's a good thing he'll never be able to read my thoughts!

-time skip-

(Kou's pov)

It's been three hours. Is he busy? Is he out? Why isn't he responding to my texts! Let alone reading them! But wait... it is 7pm... he could be going to bed early since we have that important math test. Maybe I should go to sleep too! That's exactly what I'll do!

-time skip-

(Mitsuba's pov)

I yawned. It's morning. I hate it. It's too bright. It really hurts my eyes. The walking to school is the absolute worst! It's either too cold or too hot! But I do get to se Kou so it isn't as bad today..

Oh but I need to buy that candy I owe Satou.. might as well go buy that gummy potatoes for him. Oh look it Kou. I wave my arms at him "Kou!!! Hiii!" I yell from across the road. I look twice and cross. "Hey what the hell-"

(Kou's pov)

"M-mitsuba?" I turn around to see him running across the road. I giggled at his cute and silly run. But as he was running.. his bullies pushed him on to incoming traffic. Mitsuba.. was ran over.

The gas from the car leaked and before he could move he was set on fire. "Mitsuba..." I said before I started crying historically. I ran to him as fast as I could. I tried to stop the fire, but there wasn't anything that I could do by the time I reacted.

My first love.. the boy who had my heart, the first person I've kissed.. he's gone. The only thing I could save was his scarf. It was slightly burnt on a side but I didn't care I quickly put out the fire and cried crocodile tears in to it.

That scarf... it's the last piece of him.

I'm never going to take it off. I then quickly wrapped it around my neck as I continued to sob.

This is what I mean sakura.. it works too well. One must leave. Another will walk back soon.

Clarify that?

In shorter terms... subject 3 will-

(A/n: sorry not sorry.)

Word count: 713

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