Jelous Boy (Mitsubas pov bc i can that if i wanna 😜✌️✨)

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(A/n: In this AU Mitsuba lived :D, Kou and mitsuba are 17 but it's Kou's birthday so ig hes 18! But the ages don't really matter in this story)

I sat there waiting for my best friend/boyfriend to come to celebrate his birthday with me. He wanted it just to be us since we are super close to each other!


"Huh? What's that?" I muttered to myself as suddenly realized "Oh its my phone" I couldn't help but feel like an idiot as i picked up my phone. "Hey Mitsuba!" Kou said "oh hi!
When are you coming!?" I responded with a cranky tone since i had been waiting for a good 30 minutes.

"Im sorry for making you wait but i had to bring Tiara along!" He said this with a light chuckle. I could almost feel him right here."I'll be there in 2 minutes okay?" He said trying to reassure me. "Ugh fine!" I pouted not wanting to let it slide. "Okay then, see ya there Mitsuba!"

We might've been in a call but i could still tell he was smiling "mk bye dumbass bozo looking ass traffic earring" I held in my laughter with that amazing nickname. "Oh wow whatever! Later!" He then hung up and exactly as he promised he and his 9yr old little sister arrived.

"Mitsuba!!!" The ginger girl yelled in excitement as she jumped in my lap. "Hi Tiara!" I said calmly as I smiled again. "Hey mitsuba! Sorry about tiara!" Kou humbly apologized as i gave him a annoyed glare, "okay fine I'll forgive you!" I said as I rolled my eyes.

However this time, kou surprisingly didn't fight back, infact he was smiling! He looked like he wanted to say something to me but as soon as he opened his mouth, the waiter came and asked if he wanted our menu's yet.

This waitress was super pretty, she was ginger, the same as Kou. (Ed sheeran gang) She also had her hair in a cute braided bun. She wasn't wearing much makeup, yet next to her I felt....

Self conscious? No it was more like... Jealously? Was I really that envious on some ugly girl i just met..?

The waitress look at Kou and said "So what drink have you guys decided on?" She looked at Kou waiting for an answer, but it was everyone's first time there. So we just ordered something random, except for Tiara, we got her orange juice like she asked for, it was on the kids meal.

Through out this whole time, she kept looking at Kou. Maybe she thinks its teru? I don't know and i sure as hell don't care! Hes my boyfriend! Not anyone else's! He loves me and only me! But then... why do i feel like crying? "Im gonna go use the restroom! I'll be right back!" I said as I left to the restroom to cry.

Because I would rather drop dead on the floor (Like my pun?) Than cry in front of Kou and tiara. So I left and returned after a good 5 minutes. However when i got there, i saw a tense and slightly disturbed Kou and tiara. 

The waitress was all over Kou. And that, i cant let that mother fucking bitch get away with. "Im killing her im fucking killing her!" I muttered to myself as I walked calmly to the table. "Kou whats she doing sitting at your table on your birthday?" She says looking like a clingy girlfriend.

"Haha! Thats so funny!" I responded sarcastically before leaning in and kissing Kou's lips, which was unusual to him since he's always begging for kisses, but hey he still kissed back. "So whatcha getting love?" I responded like I wasn't about to strangle her. Kou looked a little confused but we're literally dating so he couldn't find it too weird.

The waitress was speechless. But thats what I wanted. "Oh by the way, do you guys have any lunch items i can order?" I asked as I smiled smugly. "Um let me go check ma'am!" The waitress said as she got annoyed and left. "Oh actually its sir, i am a male. A rather cute one too!" I responded, purposely trying to piss her off.

"Sure thing sir" she said annoyed. "I'll be tight back kou!" She looks at kou, who's confused as fuck. "Okay?" He said trying to sound nice, but the waitress only smiled, maybe she didn't think we're ligit! Oh im so gonna kill her!

She comes back with a menu and hands it to me. Just as she's about to sit next to kou, i sit next to him as I asked "So what should we get!?" Kou looks at me before giggling a bit. "Im fine with whatever strawberry wants!" I blushed so hard I probably did color match a strawberry. 

It had been a while since we didn't insult each other. "S-shut up lame half assed earring!" I knew my insult made no sense but i had no time to think it though, and obviously Kou caught on and chuckled "So strawberry is likes his nickname?"

"Im going to shove my fist up your ass if you don't shut the fuck up." (NOT FUCKING SEXUAL!!!! ITS A GENERAL INSULT!!!) 

"Okay fine I'm sorry." Kou hugged me. He really is like a golden retriever puppy. "So cute!" OH FUCKING SHIT I SAID IT OUT LOUD! Kou smiled at me. "Thanks strawberry!~" He was smiling genuinely, yet... teasing me!? Ugh! Oh wait Never mind that, what we both said pissed the waitress off. That was the main goal to me! Seeing kou acting all... kou-ish? Was the reward!

The final blow was given by none other then tiara herself. "Kou! Are you and your pretty boyfriend going to kiss yet?" No one knows why but Tiara is very interested in me and Kou's relationship. But hey, it pissed the strange waitress off. That's what I needed. "Only if he wants to." Kou replied to Tiara softly "So do you?" He asked shifting his gaze towards me.

I nodded my head as kou and i kissed in front of both the waitress and a fangirling Tiara. (Would she do this cannonly???)

(A/N: this was requested due to my lack of creativity. I don't have permission to @ anyone so nothing yet unless they say its okay. But TY!! 😼🫶)

Word count: 1091 (notice how i have 1091 words but I only can do 493 for the state test?)

Mitsuba x Kou oneshots☆ꨄOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora