🤚🖐️👋✋🤟(Long chapter)

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They get to the entrance of the island and saw almost like a city of restaurants and old fashioned looking buildings everywhere.

There are boat rides you could take into this tunnel that has light displays everywhere, and a Photo Booth afterwards.

Museums, cafes, basically anything you can think of where a good date would be at.

They stood at the entrance so surprised at how many things there were to do here, they didn't know how to begin.

"So..what would you like to do moss head?" Sanji asks. "I...I don't even know." He says.

They were still looking around the place in amazement, when out of the corner of Zoros eye, he saw a couple together holding a manatee stuffed animal that just came out of this building with fish painted on it.

"Lots of people seemed to be going in an out of it." Zoro thought. "Hey, why don't we go to that place?" Zoro pointed out.

Sanji leaned over to see where he was talking about and back at him. "What is it?" He asks. "I'm..not for sure. But a lot of people are going there, so why not check it out?" Zoro says.

"I don't see why not. It seems to be a popular place." Sanji says. "Then why are we standing here? Let's go check it out." Zoro says, now he's dragging sanji.

When they got there, it was filled with people everywhere. Zoro was just shocked at how so many people can be in one spot.

"Lot of people here, maybe we should come back-" Zoro said before he stopped himself.

He looked at Sanji and saw his mouth agape and his eyes bigger than his head. His face pink with sparkles and a glow surrounding him.

Zoro was confused and looked up to what he was looking at and saw fish of every kind swimming above their heads.

He to was also astounded by the view. He looked back at sanji and could tell this was the right place to come first.

"It's beautiful here." Sanji says like a little kid in a dream world. "Would you like to look around?" Zoro asks.

Sanji shot a look of excitement at Zoro, like a puppy knowing it's owners on the other side of the door.

Zoro could tell a new surge of energy was running through him, and he couldn't help but smile at him.

"Lead the way cook." Zoro says. Sanji didn't say anything, but yank on his hand to follow him to see the first big tank of fish.

It wasn't much to Zoro about a bunch of fish swimming in the same direction, he didn't quite understand the excitement. But seeing Sanji get this hyped up was shocking to him a bit.

"He's mentioned about wanting to see The All Blue all the time, I can only imagine how he would react if this is how he reacts to this type of thing." Zoro thought.

"Look Zoro!!! IT'S A GREAT WHITE SHARK!!" Sanji pointed. He watched as a big sized fish swim right in front of them with smaller fishes trailing behind it.

He watched Sanji get so impressed by just a big fish, he couldn't help but chuckle a little to himself.

Sanji look back at him and asked "what's the matter? What's so funny?" He asks.

"It's nothing really. I've just never seen this side of you. You're like a kid with candy." Zoro says.

Sanjis face got red again, then turned away from Zoro. "Don't tease me moss head! This is just a really...really cool place." Sanji says.

"Then I'm glad I'm here to see you enjoy it." Zor says. He could feel his hand getting squeezed from sanji getting flustered.

"How about we go see the other fish? I heard from a couple people walking by that you could pet some sting rays near by." Sanji says.

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