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"WHAAAAAAAT?!?! So they really are gay!! I knew it!" Usopp says. "Would you keep it down! We're still on the same ship as them you idiot!" Nami says. Correction, YELLS LIKE USOPP.

"Anyways, like chopper said, they've gotten along by the sound of it. But we can't assume anything...I mean we can but, chopper said sanji was still trying to figure stuff out." Robin says.

"Yeah. But what do we do in the mean time?" Usopp asks. "We coouuld help things go faster to liking each other." Nami said.

"Ooor we can leave it be. A lot is going on through their heads, they need time for themselves." Robin said.

"Or with each other." Usopp says. "Well what does luffy think about this?" Nmai asks, when the three of them look at him, fishing instead of listening.

He turned around a couple seconds later. "...what?" He asks. "Never mind. Let's just do this ourselves." Nami says. "Who says I was in on it? If they end up not dating each other, that's not my problem." Usopp says.

"Fine, chopper?" Nami asks. He thought about it and then smiled. "Sure, why not." He says.

"Yay! Now while me and Chooper are coming up with some ideas, you all can do whatever you want. We's about to make magic happen." Nami says, carrying chopper to her room.

"I don't know about you, but I sort of have a bad feeling about this." Usopp says. "Tell me about it. But, gotta give 'em a chance and see." Robin says.

"You wanna make a bet?" Usopp asks. "Of what?" Robin asks. "Rather or not nami and chopper can actually get them two to date each other." Usopp says.

"Hmm. I'm not much of a gambler, but I will say that watching those people gamble at the island was quite interesting, and I'm kinda curious... alright. 10 berries says they date within 4 days or less." Robin says.

"Four days, eh? Alright! Well 15 berries say they date each other within a week." Usopp says. "Hmm, you have yourself a bet sniper. From now on, we watch the cards lay themselves out." Robin says, as she goes back to the top deck to finish her book.

As sanji was laying in his room smoking his cigarette, he had his arms over his eyes from the sun. He was still thinking about his feelings for Zoro.

"This is fucking hard.." he thought. He took a hit of his cigarette and blew a cloud. "Alright, now just imagine yourself doing soemthing with Zoro, anything." Sanji thought.

He tried to imagine going on a picnic, or to a amusement park with him, but nothing. It'd either switch to just him or a women he met before.

"This is so frustrating!!" He said, sitting up from his bed taking another hit from his cigarette.

He leaned back on his hands, just starring into space. "If I can't imagine doing anything with him that's simple, then I don't think I can imagine dating him or something intimate." Sanji thought to himself.

"Something intimate? That came out of nowhere. How would two men even do that? Would they...? No, that can't be...No? Nooooo. NO!!" Sanji thought as he was trying to figure out ways how men could be intimate.

"CAN MEN DO THAT??? Wait, is that what...IS THAT WHAT ZORO MEANT BY TAKING THINGS FURTHER?!?" Sanji thought.

"OOOHHH I THOUGHT HE JUST MEANT DATING!!! THAT'S DEFINITELY, PROBABLY, WHAT HE WAS THINKING. But with him?! Me and him? him and me? that's just not possible how is it.." he stopped thinking for a moment to take a deep breath before hyperventilating.

Then, a knock was on his door scaring the ever loving buhjesus out of him, this man needs life support, he need a preacher, he need a blessing he need a- oh he came back to life.

 Title. (Sanji xZoro boko) Where stories live. Discover now