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Nami and sanji met up with everyone else, seeing everyone was mostly fine. Usopp and chopper had a few bruises from Luffys gum gum, but they were alright.

"Glad to see everyone is alright." Nami says. "I'm sorry I doubted you Robin. I knew you just wanted to be cautious." Chopper says.

"Don't worry about that, it's alright to have doubts. I'm just glad we made it away alright." She says.

"Man, all that running has made me hungry. Sanji! You should make some lunch!" Luffy said. "When are you not hungry? Didn't you just went to a meat eating competition?" Sanji asks.

"...no" he says. "You suck at lying you know that?" Sanji says, lighting a cigarette. "Lemme look at what I have. I'm sure I can whip something up." Sanji says.

Luffy cheered as he went to the kitchen. When he got in there, he saw Zoro sitting at the small table, bandaged his arm.

"Hey, are you alright?" Sanji asks. "I'm fine. One of the bullets sort of nicked me on my arm while we were on the top deck." Zoro says.

"Oh, well you're alright, right? It's not too bad?" Sanji asks. "I just said no. What are you doing in here?" He asks.

"Captain was hungry again, so I'm making some lunch for everyone." Sanji says. "I see. Well then I won't bother you." Zoro says.

Sanji went to prepare some vegetables and meat, when he saw Zoro struggling to bandage himself.

He sighed and set his things down. "Scoot over moss head." Sanji says as he's sitting down. Zoro scoots over, but confused. "What are you doing?" He asks.

"I noticed you having trouble...just thought I'd help. It's hard doing stuff with only one arm, isn't it?" Sanji says.

Zoro stared at him and handed him the bandages. Surprised that he even wants to help. He felt, kinda happy.

"I'm sorry about what I said earlier, I just wasn't in a good mood. And I know that's not a good excuse for saying all those things." Sanji says.

"It's fine. I'm not all that mad. I'm just glad no one else got hurt." Zoro says. "Yeah.." Sanji says.

"There, all done. Does it feel okay? Need any adjustments?" Sanji asks. Zoro moved his arm a bit and shook his head.

"It's all good...thanks cook" Zoro says. "No problem." Sanji says, standing up to go back to preparing lunch.

Zoro was still sitting at the table, watching sanji prepare the food, with a feeling that he wants to say something to sanji but, just can't place it. It almost makes him feel...upset?

"Hey chef, I know you don't really like people in your business while cooking, but do you think I could lend a hand?" Zoro asks.

Sanji looked at him sort of surprised, Zoro has never asked to help. None of them have. "Um, sure. I'll give you an easier task to do." Sanji says.

"You can come around here and start chopping those vegetables and tomatoes." Sanji said.

But before sanji could go back to what he was doing next, he felt Zoros hand grab his face, and remove the cigarette from his lips.

"No offense, but I don't want ashes in my food." Zoro says, putting out the cigarette. "Uh, sorry about that." Sanji says.


After doing his part in preparing lunch, he looked over his shoulder to see how Zoro was doing, and panicked. "Gee, for such an amazing swordsman, he can't cut shit." Sanji thought.

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