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The next morning, everyone was sitting at the table and talking to one another just about what they had planned that day.

Usopp leaned over next to Zoro and nudged him a bit. He was falling asleep in his chair and almost falling out.

"Hey Zoro, you alright man?" He asks.

Zoro woke up a bit and sat back in his chair. "Yeah, I'm fine." Zoro says.

"You sure? You seem more tired than usual...but you physically look more stiff than usual too. Is something going on?" Usopp asks.

"I'm fine. Quite worrying about it." Zoro says sharply. "Alright fine, I leave you be." Usopp says, as he moved back to his spot.

Nami and everyone else that was watching looked at Usopp when he came back and pat him on the shoulder. "It's alright Usopp, he's probably in just another one of his grouchy moods." Nami says.

"I hope so." Usopp says. Sanji came out with plates of food and setting them down in front over everyone.

When he was done he sat in front of Zoro again like last time and smiled at him. But the one he received back was weak and almost seemed like Zoro didn't want to smile.

"Oh yeah! I forgot to mention, we're almost at the island I was telling everyone about yesterday." Nami says.

Everyone looked kinda confused as they ate. "What do you mean? I thought you said it was gonna take a day?" Luffy asks.

"I thought so cause that's what I estimated on my map. But looking over it again this morning as I was getting dressed, I realized I was wrong and were a lot closer to the island than what I thought from the last island. Even though we were off the course a little." Nami says.

"So when you say we're almost to the island, what do you mean by that exactly?" Robin asks.

"I mean we could arrive at this island this afternoon if we keep the course this direction." Nami says.

"Oh really? Doesn't that mean we'll have to do a money check?" Usopp asks before inhaling and egg.

"Yes, yes it does. And I will be making sure EVERYONE gets and even amount." Nami says as she elegantly slices her toast.

"But didn't you say Sanji and Zoro are getting-" before the poor deer could finish his sentence, Robin stuck an Apple in his mouth and went back to pretending she wasn't paying attention.

"That's great! We'll be at the island before we know it!" Sanji says, smiling before he went back to his food.

"Zoro saw the Vermont look on sanji face, then smiling to himself before also going back to his food.

"An actual date with the cook. Maybe I should surprise him with a gift of some sort." Zoro thought.

"aaaaAAAWWWW!!!! That takes so long though!" Usopp says. "You complain a lot more than Luffy you know." Nami says

"Like you're one to talk!!" Usopp says. Nami shot a look at him in shock and true offense.

"EXCUSE ME!?" Nami yells.

While Usopp and Nami were arguing, Robin used her devil fruit power to appear hands around the table so she could be the one to collect all the plates in one spot.

"Robin? What are you doing?" Sanji asks.

She picked up the stack of plates and bowls and smiled before saying "I thought I'd help out a bit. Since you're always doing dishes, I thought me The doctor and I could do the dishes this time." Robin says.

 Title. (Sanji xZoro boko) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें