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"I'm sorry I didn't say anything earlier, I just thought that the three of us could go together since you two have only went once. I want you two to have fun before we leave tomorrow." Chopper says.

Zoro sighed and bit his tongue. He didn't want to disappoint chopper by saying he didn't want to go anymore.

Sanji took out his lighter and a cigarette, blowing out a cloud. When isn't he? "So, what do you wanna do Chopper?" Sanji asks.

"Whatever you two wanna do. But no drinking for you sanji! Sodas are okay, but NO. ALCOHOL." Chopper says.

Sanji kinda laughed a little. "I promise I'm not going to drink any. Just me, and my pack." Sanji says. "How about we go play some carnival games, and get fat on carnival food as well." Sanji says.

"CAN WE GET COTTON CANDY TOO!!" Chopper asked. "Anything you want." Sanji says. Chopper wriggled in happiness and jumped out of Zoros arms, leading the way.

Sanji and Zoro looked at each other and rolled their eyes. "This is going to be a loooooong day." They both thought.

When they get to the carnival part of the island, chopper and Zoro played kiddy games, like trying to catch goldfish in a net. It wasn't any easier after a couple tries.

"Damn that game. It's all just one big scam." Zoro says to himself. He lost many times. The kids next to him were catching six fish at a time. The kids were veterans.

After playing a few games after, they decided to get something to eat. Zoro got booze, sanji bought an extra pack of cigarettes, since he was already running low, and chopper, a BIG stick of cotton candy.

(I'm surprised any of them had money)

He took a bite and couldn't help but squeal in happiness. He was practically in love. "Hey sanji, do you wanna try some?" Chopper asks. "Don't mind if I do. Thanks." He says as he takes a piece.

"Mhm! It's so sweet!" Sanji says. "Zoro! Try a piece!" Chopper says. Zoro grunted, then squat to took a bite. "Mm! Too sweet." Zoro says, for he isn't one for sweets, but did it anyways for chopper.

Sanji was enjoying his last cigarette of his last pack, and noticed Zoro was wearing the same suit as last time. "He still has the clothes I lend him? I guess with the things going on between us, he didn't have the chance to give it back." Sanji thought.

"He...doesn't look too bad in green when I think about it. It actually complements his face and body more." Sanji thought.

While waiting, Zoro saw sanji starring. "What?" He asks. "Nothing." Sanji says looking away. Zoro just rolled his eyes.

Chopper was enjoying his treat, when he saw Zoros face and laughed. "Zoro! You have cotton candy on your face." Chopper says.

"What?!" Zoro says, as he tries getting it off with his tongue, but couldn't see. "Pfft! Your so funny looking when you do that!" Chopper laughs, holding his stomach now. "Oh shut up fur ball! I just can't see where it's at!" Zoro says.

"Here you go zoro! I got you a napkin at the concession stand." Chopper says. "Thanks." Zoro says wiping his face. His face feels all sticky, not a fan.

When Zoro and chopper were finished with their things, it was back at the games for them. They even found some rides that they could go on. Though, sanji wasn't a fan of the spinning ones. He almost got sick.

"Hey you two! We should play that game over there!" Chopper points out.

It was a dart balloon game, none have ever played before. They asked the person running the game how it's suppose to work before getting the idea of it.

Chopper tried and managed to get a small prize with popping two balloons. He got a pink Tanuki stuffy of his choice.

Sanji was up, and couldn't get any balloons. "Stupid game." He mumbled. "You're next Zoro! Can you do better than me and sanji?" Chopper says.

"I don't know about you, but definitely better than the cook." Zoro says. Sanji rolls his eyes.

Zoro takes the three darts and threw all three of them at the same time. He somehow managed to get three balloons at once.

Chopper and sanji were starring with their jaws to the floor and eyes popping out of their heads.

"You're kidding me! It's like you didn't think! You just threw em!" Chopper said. "Because...I did..? There's a whole board of balloons, I'm surprised you couldn't get all three." Zoro says.

"Here's your prize sir! For being the first person to get all three balloons, you get the biggest prize we have!" The man said.

The prize he got was a giant golden tiger, that was almost the size of him. Almost knocked him off his feet when tossed at him.

"Thanks. Chopper, would you like something like this? I'm not much of a stuffed animal guy." Zoro says. "I would, but I don't have any room left for something that big." Chopper says.

"Oh! Maybe sanji could take it in!" Chopper suggested. "Wha?! Um, I'm not really a cat guy." Sanji says. "How come? I thought you liked cats." Chopper said

"Well...I do. But I don't want-" sanji said before he was interrupted by the giant stuffed animal launched at him, sending him flying to the ground.

"Just take it. Obviously, you like them more." Zoro says. Sanji stood up holding the stuffy and dusting himself off.

"Are you trying to embarrass me moss head?" Sanji asks. "Relax, just think of it as...an apology gift." Zoro says.
"A what?!" Sanji asks.

"An apology gift?! This is a gift of apology to him?!" Sanji thought. He grew more pissed the longer he thought about it.

But then he looked at chopper and saw he was starring confusedly. He sighed and replied "fine, I know just the place to put it." Sanji said annoyed.

Zoro was slightly surprised at his surrendering, but shrugged it off. "What is it you two wanna do next, Chopper?" Zoro asks.

"I'm actually a little bit tired. If you don't mind, can we go back to the ship? it's getting a little late. I had lots of fun though! Thanks for spending time with me." Chopper says smiling.

They all agreed and started walking towards the ship. With chopper in front of them, they couldn't tell there was something on his mind.

"An apology gift?? Was it when they were having issues with Zoros distancing with everyone? I thought...they had already made up..?" Chopper thought.

They got to the ship and went to their rooms, chopper too. "I guess it's possible to've made up and still give a gift, just never heard of that." Chopper thought.

"It just all seems too odd." Chopper thought as he was lying in his bed. "Maybe I'm just over thinking it? Yeah, probably so. I guess it's normal for humans to give late gifts." Chopper thought.

He started to fall asleep. Wondering if maybe there was something going on he didn't know the entire time.

Mean while, sanji was in his room getting changed. He was tired as well, and didn't noticed till he got to his room.

He lied down after he changed and sighed in relief. Feeling his life battery coming back.

That was, until he rolled over and had his face buried in the stuffed animal. "Ugh, I have to do something with this thing." Sanji thought.

As he was rolling back over, he got a familiar scent off the tiger. It smelled of steel and...cologne? It's very pungent. Surprisingly, it wasn't bad. It somehow works? He just couldn't figure out why it was familiar to him.

He inhaled it, like how you'd sniff those scented markers in school. Don't lie you totally did. It was a smell he didn't know he would enjoy.

The more he smelled the tiger, the more he just wanted to be engulfed in it. He ran his hands along the tiger, feeling the softness of it, relaxing him.

He couldn't hold his eyes open anymore, and allowed the heaviness take over while holding the tiger.

 Title. (Sanji xZoro boko) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें