Fifty. Ryuunosuke

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I'm assuming that this is Atsushi's room in which I had been thrown into, as there didn't seem to be much actually in the room. The walls were pretty bland, a couple of drawings which looked to have been done by a kid were pinned up in a corner. Alongside a couple of photos of what looked to be Nakahara and what I assumed to be Kyouka. Atsushi wasn't in any of them, well he was but his face was scribbled out. I'm assuming they were him as the individual had white hair.

Chuuya hadn't released his ability yet so I was still stuck sitting in the middle of the dimly lit room. I looked around the room some more to look for anything else in which to pass the time. I caught a glimpse of a couple photos which had been pinned to a mirror. If I wasn't mistaken the individuals in the photos were myself and Gin. I don't know when the photos had been taken, Gin looking quite dainty l in a flowy white dress. Meanwhile my photo was myself wearing frame tinted glasses alongside the typical coat I used to wear all the time. I never did find out what happened to that coat?

I was slightly concerned as to why he had these photos but it was sweet to know he kept them.

With nothing else to keep myself busy with I decided to try and close my eyes and sleep for a bit, I knew it was possible for me to fall asleep sitting up as I used to do it by accident all the time back in the Mafia.

A prolonged period of time passed by as I slept until I was rudely awakened by myself falling flat on my face. Guess Chuuya released his ability finally. I silently crawled to my feet and creaked the door open to see what those two were up to, I quickly regretted it and closed the door as quickly as I could without the pair of them noticing. I did not want to see the pair of them kissing again anytime soon.

With time to kill I decided I would search the room a little better than my initial glance over, it wasn't snooping. It was investigating. Two completely different things.

Who was I kidding...

I finally opened his curtains properly and got a proper look at the room, it was even more bland than I'd initially thought. His walls were a beige colour with the pictures being the literal only thing on the wall, alongside a pinboard. I threw his wardrobe open hoping for something a little more worthwhile, however there were a couple of jumpers and about four pairs of jeans. If Yosano saw this I think she'd have fainted on the spot at the lack of clothes, I mean I even owned more clothes than this. Although that was due to Yosano taking me shopping constantly, the thought of Yosano brought a slight sadness to me.

'causing every Agency member to worry about him since his disappearance'

Had Yosano worried about me since I'd disappeared? She had cared for me ever since I joined the Agency...

I quickly shook my head and tossed the thought aside. She had known from the start about my situation and told me they had rescued me, she'd lied to me. I wouldn't forgive her for that. But she did kinda...

"NO!" I shouted to myself as I tried to regain my thoughts of what I was initially doing. I quickly glanced at the bottom of the wardrobe for anything else but there was one ruined pair of trainers. Quickly shutting the door I moved my attention elsewhere.

There was a large set of drawers on the adjacent wall, I continued my investigation though that however quickly came up with papers. Papers upon papers of Mafia documents. They were either on specific missions, or client profiles. Some of the faces I recognised as individuals we'd been tasked with investigating in the Agency however they'd either disappeared or been found dead before we could speak with them. As I looked more carefully at each file a key detail began to repeat with each one. I felt sick reading each one through. I was about to put the file down when a woman's face caught my eye.

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