Eleven. Atsushi

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So this was the mission. Uncover operation. We go in as two guards to this organisation who was threatening our trade routes. Their entire operation is underground. The head of the organisation is unknown. Should be easy right?


There were so many factors that were going to end up with something to get us killed, or worse yet we compromised the mission.

Yet I seem to be the only one concerned about this? Ane-san was unbothered by the file she had given me on this mission, she had read it through prior to giving it to me as well.

I couldn't ask Ryu about his thoughts, I'm pretty sure he still hates my guts. So that option was out the window.

Gin was currently unavailable due to an injury landing her in the hospital wing. I couldn't exactly go and visit her in case Ryu found the both of us. I mean it would look bad if he saw me with his sister. One he hadn't spoken to in over a year, a sister I imagined he'd missed dearly. I mean he'd chosen her over anyone else that day to save.

Stop it!

Stop thinking about that day, it wasn't going to change anything. No matter how many times you repeat that day nothing will change!


"WHAT!?" I snapped at whoever was bothering me as I tried to calm my thoughts. I immediately regretted it. It was Chuuya.

"I'm sorry... I'll speak to you later..." Now this wasn't like Chuuya. He was so subdued, his eyes looked a little red. Had he been crying? I quickly grabbed his shoulder and shook my head.

"No, it's nothing. What was it you'd like to tell me?" Chuuya directed me towards a door, I quickly followed him as we made our way through multiple hallways. I'd never really ventured too far around the Mafia. I never had a reason to, didn't want to find out something I'd regret. That and I guaranteed I'd end up lost.

We finally ended up outside an office door, it looked to be relatively new with the nameplate.

'Chuuya Nakahara'

Guess this was his office. He was an executive afterall, it made sense he would have an office.

"Sit." He ordered as he pointed to a chair across from his desk. I quickly did as ordered while looking around the room. It was pretty barren, looks like he hadn't had a chance to decorate it yet. Or maybe it was personal preference. Either way I wasn't going to question it.

"Before you ask, no I haven't decorated the place because I like it like this. I just never use this office." That took me by surprise. It was his personal space, why wouldn't he use it? I doubted he was going to elaborate so left it at that.

"Now, about your mission. I'm aware of the limited information you are working with." Finally! Someone understood!

"Despite the limited information, you are still expected to complete this mission without failure. Fail and there will be repercussions." I nodded sharply. I was aware of the risks, I was perfectly ready to take any fall necessary for the pair of us, should we fail. Even if that meant I'd be forfeit.

"If any issue arises I will be uncontactable due to being sent on a mission myself." I nodded once again. No backup. That was fine, I was used to it.

"The mission is expected to take a week at most, I should be back upon your return so you can give me a full report upon your return." He crossed his arms as he lay against the frame of the window. Weird how he didn't want to sit in the chair. Maybe he was waiting for someone else to sit there?

"We will be fully prepared to give a full report on our return, do not worry Chuuya." I smiled slightly, but it must have been a pathetic one as I watched a smidge of sympathy pass through his eyes.

God I hated when people did that.

It was hardly a common thing, but it still made me feel weak. Made me feel like an innocent child who was at the mercy of others. I was neither innocent nor at the mercy of others.

"Good. Now go find Akutagawa, you leave in an hour." I nodded before quickly leaving the room to locate my partner. It felt strange to call him that but also a sense of relief flooded through me.

I was going to make good on my word Mirai, I promise.

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