Thirty-five. Osamu

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Kouyou and myself had heard the sound of a crash not too long ago but hadn't stalled in our steps. This mad woman would stop at nothing to kill us all. If she managed to take out Chuuya the rest of us hardly stood a chance.

"I always told that boy that getting involved with you was a bad idea. Now look where it's gotten him." I ignored her words. Kouyou always had a negative image of me ever since Mori took me in as his protegee. The woman knew what that bastard put me through yet she still treated me like this.

Oh I'd love to see the look on her face when she found out her favourite subordinate had kissed me.

We finally reached the final flight of stairs, once we arrived at the bottom we were greeted by the sight of Mori and Elsie surprisingly.

"How kind of you both to join us." He greeted the pair of us as we gasped for our breaths, we'd just ran down who knows how many flights of stairs and that's how this bastard greets us!?

"How is Chuuya?" I answered with a somewhat calm response. Mori smiled at me, I always hated that.

"Nakahara seems to be finishing things up right now." He gestured to the front doors of the building in which they'd been opened at some point to show Chuuya covered in blood sat upon the corpse of the woman. A maddened look in his eyes as he continued to stab at her.

I watched as his arms slowly began to fall to his sides, I tried to go out and help him but Mori grabbed my shoulder and stopped me.

I looked at him, he had a dark expression on his face. He shook his head briefly before focusing on the scene outside once more.

Something wasn't right.

Kouyou had summoned Golden Demon ready to strike. Elise had changed into a different outfit, that usual happy glint in her eyes was now gone. She looked like a hardened fighter with how she was poised and ready to fight.

I didn't understand what was happening, but when I looked and saw Chuuya threw his body away from the corpse of Misao.

She was dead.

She was a corpse to walk amongst the living no more.

But she slowly brought her body upwards. Giving us all a clear view on how cruel Chuuya had been in attempting to slaughter her. Her eyes were a bloody mess, cuts were all across her face and chest. A deep gash lay beneath her neck, the blood still trickly from the wounds.

A demonic laugh escaped her lips. It was a laugh the devil himself would have been jealous of.

I watched as the wounds began to seal themselves closed, it was as if each cut had never existed. The only trace was the blood left behind.

"You can't kill me!?" She sounded as shocked as we were at this revelation.

"Oh that brats ability was so worth keeping." She dragged herself to her feet as she checked out the other injuries across her body which were no longer there.

She unbuttoned the remains of the cape she had and tossed it aside. I don't know why she even had that thing but that wasn't my priority right now.

I knew Chuuya would be having the same thought as I was having right now, we had one option.

Chuuya slowly began to remove the gloves from his hands as he muttered his words.

"Grantors of dark disgrace, you need not wake me again..."

The clock is ticking, partner, you're up.

Kouyou and Mori still remained poised and ready to strike, which played to my advantage and allowed me to quickly escape from their grasp. I needed to be a safe distance from him, but still be close enough to help him at a moment's notice.

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