Six. Chuuya

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Was this a joke?

This had to be a joke, right?

I know he has many suicide attempts, I've walked in on enough of them. Or had to save him from doing them. But I never thought he'd go through with it.

"Dazai... Wake up... Get up right now you bastard..." He would get up in a few seconds. He'd take off that oxygen laugh and give that stupid laugh he always had after he knew he'd tricked me.

"Nakahara, he won't wake up." Akutagawa stated in a monotone voice. God that irritated me right now.

"Well is someone going to explain to me what the fuck has happened?" Why was I getting so worked up over him? I hated him. I didn't need him.

"That was what I was trying to figure out from this traitor." The ground beneath me cracked after the boy's words. He flinched back in surprise slightly. Smart on his part.

My knuckles tightened and I stalked over to the man who was slowly backing away from me. He wasn't going to get far. I grasped at his shirt seeing the fear in his eyes. It brought a slight sense of joy knowing he feared me.

One. Two. Three. Four. Six.Twelve. Sixteen. Twenty.

Punch after punch I landed on his face. That word still sitting in my mind.


It had been a year, why did his words still irritate me so much!

I'd paused to take a breath when the kid spoke again.

"Nakahara, he's unconscious. I'd recommend you don't kill him, we can get more information out of him." After regaining my breath I nodded in agreement. This bastard had a lot more coming for him when he woke up. After climbing back to my feet I kicked at the unconscious body and turned to Akutagawa, I knew there was blood on my gloves but I'd deal with that matter later.

"So what did he tell you?" I demanded Akutagawa was no fool and quickly filled me in on the details.

"Ten months you say? That would have been..." My mind played back to that day at the abandoned building. The blood ribbons as the pair of us had decided to name them. I remember the sight of the corpse being manipulated, it still sent shivers down me.

But then I remembered, once we had gotten back Dazai had told me he had something to attend to, he would be back within half an hour so we could report to the boss. But when he'd left I remembered the blood stain I'd had on my waist where his right hand had been. My assumption at the time was he'd cut it on the glass of the shattered window when we'd fled the scene.

"Did he state what he was watching for in particular?" Akutagawa shook his head at me. I had a good guess at what he was watching already, but his words would prove my theory right.

"Take him to the torture chamber. I'll deal with him later." Akutagawa nodded and began to drag the man out. He was so obedient, he should be more careful.

Once I was left alone I made my way over to the idiots bed. He looked so peaceful, now that I think back I've only ever seen him like this a couple of times. Mainly it was when he was asleep.

I looked at his arms, his bandages were starting to come loose. I swiftly pulled a large chunk of them away to reveal his scar littered arm. To think he was so scared of me seeing these, I'd rewrapped them so many times without his knowledge.

Satisfied with my work I let his hands rest on his chest, now he did look like a dead man. I found it ironic in a way.

I then noticed a spec of blood had been caught on his cheek for my earlier fight, well one sided massacre.

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