Twenty-eight. Chuuya

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How many days had it been? Six? Maybe seven? I was unsure. I just knew that I had to get up and leave to do my missions and then I would return home to rest. Mori had reduced the amount of missions I had to do recently. He must have seen how much of a toll they had been taking on me. But it had been three days and I hadn't even left the apartment. How pathetic was I? I was moping over that idiot!?

I was Chuuya Nakahara for god sake!

Former king of the sheep!

The strongest ability user in Yokohama!

I shouldn't be in bed moping about. I should be doing something. I should be trying to locate Dazai and killing that bitch.

With that I leapt out of bed and quickly ran myself a hot shower before getting into some clothes so I could head down to headquarters and pick up on any leads from before. As I grabbed my hat off the stand and opened the door I discovered Ane-san was outside my door just about to knock to gain my attention.

"Ane-san, what are you doing here?" I questioned, she pushed me back inside, shutting the door behind her before making her way over to the sofa I had.

Once we were both settled on opposite sides she began to discuss what had happened in my absence. Part of me wished she hadn't told me, but I would have found out eventually.

"Dazai has returned. During the days he spent in captivity he had managed to escape and kill Misao. We have her body as proof, all DNA and fingerprints match up. She's the one." I was shocked, Misao was dead? I know she said they had the evidence to back it up but it didn't sound true.

"However, prior to his return something happened between your two current subordinates." My two subordinates? Atsushi and Akutagawa!

"What happened!? Are they both okay?" I know I should be more calm and collected but I'd gotten used to the two of them by now.

"Atsushi is fine, he's just not exactly in a stable position to speak with anyone. Not even Gin can speak to him without him shouting insanities." Okay I wouldn't class that as fine. But it was better than him being unconscious yet again.

"And Akutagawa?" I questioned, Ane-san turned her face away from me which made me more nervous of what the news was.

"Ane-san, what happened to Ryuunosuke?" She breathed in to compose herself before speaking.

"Akutagawa is currently resting in the hospital wing due to a stab wound to his heart." What...

"He was stabbed!? Who stabbed him! I'll deal with them myself!" I'd risen to my feet and was ready to torture the bastard who had done it. Ane-san grabbed my wrist and forced me to sit back down.

"You can't. That is unless you want to harm your subordinate." I sat in shock not being able to form complete thoughts.

Ane-san then spent the next few minutes about what had happened. After Atsushi had awoken and healed mostly from the injury he received from the apartment he immediately went back to training with Akutagawa. However during those few days the pair had grown closer relationship wise. People who'd seen their sparring matches said that they had looked slightly similar to Sōkoku's relationship with the irritated shouts at one another, but then they would be concerned for one another if they received any injuries. Ane-san was unaware of the specific details for what happened exactly that day but Gin had been with the pair checking in on them, she had stated she would go get some drinks for them as they looked to be exhausted. But when she returned she saw Ryuunosuke hugging Atsushi with him hugging him back but a knife was plunged into Ryuunosuke's chest. Thankfully the blade had been dug into the left side of his heart so they had time to rush him into surgery and stitch up the stab wound before any other complications arose. Atsushi had been in a compromised state ever since.

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