Twenty-seven. Ryuunosuke

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It was almost midnight at this point, everyone else had disappeared to go rest. There was only a grumpy woman who was sat within the doctor's office. She had been put on the nightshift and made it very obvious she did not like my presence here.

I couldn't care for what she was thinking of me as she stared at me, my focus was on Atsushi who still remained unconscious and hooked up to a drip. I'd never seen him in such a state like this before, I'd never seen him injured now that I thought about it. His ability had always healed him no matter how bad the injury was, but now he lay with an oxygen mask against his face. Many blood transfusions have been given to him over the process of stabilising him. When we'd initially arrived they had stopped me from coming into the infirmary with him, they'd stated I'd just be in the way. Which was true, so I had waited outside for hours not knowing if he'd come out of there alive.

But why did I care for him so much now?

I hated him. He'd survived over Mirai. He'd had that brother sister relationship with Gin, she cared for him more than me. Her own blood brother. She'd held a knife against my throat.

I don't know why her betrayal to me stung so bad. Maybe because when we were younger she had looked at me as if I was the best thing in the world. Guess that was one of the things that kept me going back then. The fact that it wasn't just for my sake being alive. I think I'd lost part of myself by having to keep just myself alive and it not benefitting anyone but myself.

"Ryu?" I turned and saw Gin hiding in the shadows, her hair was let down like it was in that photo of her. Although she was wearing a black hoodie, probably to make it easier to sneak around the place. She slowly made her way over to stand beside me, she really did hold the presence of an assassin. Her steps light and silent, the shadows her second home.

To think she'd once been a small little girl, who'd braid the lengths of her hair in her boredom. Presenting me with any little find that she found interesting or pretty.

Funny how tonight I was reminiscing a lot about the past. I chuckled to myself in amusement, Gin looked at me with a concerned look in her eyes.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing, just thinking back to the slums." Gin quickly pulled a chair over to sit beside me, we were both sat watching Atsushi as his chest rose and fell in a rhythm.

"What are you thinking about specifically?" To think the only times I'd seen my sister since our separation had been through Atsushi in a dire situation.

If he kept this up it might end up being his death that keeps us together permanently.

I shook my head at the idea. He wasn't going to die, not while I was his partner.

"Just how you used to be so afraid of everything, you'd come crying to me and Mirai anytime a dog came running down the alley." I smiled to myself as Gin elbowed me in the arm lightly.

"They are devils, they still scare me now. Although it's nice..." She trailed off her words as she began to zone out. She always did this when it came to topics too tough for her to discuss. She hadn't changed.

"It's nice that you're scared of dogs?" I mocked her, I hit on the top of my head from her annoyance.

"No you idiot. It's nice you're talking about Mirai after all this time. Part of me thought you had forgotten about anything that had happened before his death." That stung a little to hear that come from my own sister.

"How could I forget him... He was one of the few people that I cared for. I still do care for him now, even if he's not with us anymore." A silence settled between us as the words began to sink into Gin's mind.

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