Forty-seven. Osamu

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It's been about five hours since Akutagawa stormed out of the Agency and disappeared without a trace.

As soon as he'd left the cafe I immediately informed Kunikida that Akutagwa had disappeared, he quickly began to search for him, he knew very little about the situation. After all, he joined the Agency after Akutagawa and it was never needed to explain to him why Akutagawa joined.

Someone without a guilty conscience would be the best course of action.

Afterwards I made my way to Fukuzawa's office and explained the entire situation. He quickly summoned Ranpo and Yosano from wherever they had disappeared to this afternoon.

"You mean to tell me you told him everything." Yosano berated me as I sat in a chair in Fukuzawa's office.

"He has a right to know," Yosano slapped me clean across the face. The anger on her face was one I'd never seen before. "He isn't a child. He's twenty, he doesn't need to be sheltered." Yosano raised her hand ready to strike me again. Ranpo grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"Violence isn't going to get us anywhere." He reasoned, but it didn't look like reasoning would work with an angered Yosano.

"It might if I hit him hard enough, might knock some brains into that idiot." I'd never seen the pair fight before, they were as close as siblings. Ranpo didn't look exactly ready to continue arguing with Yosano, he never was good at confrontation when it came to her. Yosano turned her anger back to me as she pulled her wrist from Ranpo's grasp.

"Did you even think about the consequences when telling him? You're the Demon Prodigy for god sake! Methodical and manipulative, there isn't a soul that you cannot predict. Is that not what you were known for?" That was a stab to the heart. Despite being here for a year my reputation still precedes me.

"Akiko, that is enough." Fukuzawa snapped at her. I felt out of place here, it felt like I was the root cause of a family feud. A family which I had no right to be in.

I'm sorry Odasaku... I am trying, I really am...

I began to twist the ring which sat on my finger, it gave me a sense of comfort somehow.

"But Yukichi..." She tried to argue back but he bore down a stern glare. She quickly gave in and settled herself on the edge of Fukuzawa's desk. Shoulders slumped, an irritated expression on her face. I think if she'd had her way I would have a lot more damage than a slap across the face.

"Yes, Dazai maybe should have told young Akutagawa in a kinder way than in the blunt way he did. But do tell me, what is young Akutagwa's temperament?" Fukuzawa was trying to rationalise the situation with Yosano.

"Stubborn, once he has made a decision it is incredibly difficult to change it." Ranpo responded, Fukuzawa bowed his head in thanks.

"So if it had been one of us to inform him do you think his reaction would have been any different?" Yosano opened her mouth as if to give a response but gave no words and closed her mouth once more.

"Yes, we should have informed him earlier. But there is no changing things now. I believe the best course of action is to locate young Akutagawa before he ends up making a decision he will most likely regret." All three of us nodded at this point.

"Fa- Ahem, Sir I believe there is something we could do to ensure Akutagawa doesn't completely disappear once he's located Atsushi." Fukuzawa nodded for Ranpo to continue speaking.

"However, it would involve Dazai's co-operation." My co-operation? What does he mean by that?

"As we are aware now thanks to the information Dazai has given us we are aware that Atsushi is one of the executives who is closely linked with Kyouka. Through Kenji we have learned the other executive is a short ginger man." He had my immediate attention at that, the ring on my hand suddenly felt a lot colder.

"No." I stated before Ranpo could continue. "I've fucked his life up enough, he doesn't need me magically appearing now." It wasn't that he didn't need me, Chuuya didn't need anyone. He'd made that adamantly clear when he'd first joined the Mafia. His constant remarks that he was the strongest, that the Sheep would crumble without him, that I was only there to 'help' him. Sometimes he really did sound self-absorbed.

But I knew after all the words he'd carelessly throw around he was always grateful when someone stuck around, or someone offered him help. Even if he never accepted the help he'd always appreciate it, although he most likely wouldn't show it.

"You're not exactly in a position to say no Dazai, it's either you go through with this plan or Yosano is going to have your head." I gave a smile to his words and I rose to my feet.

"She can have it. At least then my death won't be a lie." I stormed out slamming the door behind me. I was acting like such a child.

I should be ecstatic at the thought of being able to see Chuuya, at the idea of finally being able to explain to him where I've been for the last four years. But I know he'd never forgive me, I completely abandoned him. Akutagawa was right, I really am pathetic.

Before I'd realised it I'd made my way to the Agency roof. If Kunikida was here he would start lecturing me as to why I shouldn't be up here.

Although I ignored most of his lectures I still remember some of his words. Typically the ones where Kunikida would state he was my friend and my partner, that it was his job to worry about me. Despite me throwing the time and effort he'd given me right in his face he still stuck around.

God, why can't I treat people the way they deserve!?

I settled myself on the edge of the building, lying down on my back, I wasn't going to fall. If I wanted to, I would have done it by now. I just needed the bustling noise of the street below to drown out any of the thoughts in my mind.

"Dazai." There came a soft voice from the doorway to the roof. I opened one of my eyes and saw Kenji standing in his casual attire. Weird how I'd gotten used to seeing him in a school uniform.

I closed my eye again and continued to listen to the sound of the streets below. I could hear as Kenji's footsteps drew nearer. By the sounds of it he stopped about two steps away from me.

"Dazai." He repeated, was he expecting me to respond? I was not in the mood for a conversation.

"It's okay if you don't want to speak. I just need you to listen." What happened to the Kenji that was all smiles and didn't have a care in the world. I prefer that one right now.

"I don't know all the details, but I know you don't want to speak with Chuuya." I slowly opened my eyes and began to sit up, giving Kenji a dead stare. I was curious as to how he knew Chuuya's name but then again he had met Chuuya so he'd probably given his name.

"But for Akutagawa's sake, will you at least try. I kinda overheard you guys in the Boss's office," That wasn't exactly difficult, we were shouting at the top of our lungs. "I don't know what happened between the two of you, but this isn't about you two. It's about Ryuunosuke." He'd never called Akutagawa that before, he'd always addressed him by his surname. I watched as a single tear ran down his face.

"He's my partner, I may not work with him at the moment but I still worry about him. And it's not just Ryuunosuke who's at risk, what about Kyouka as well?" The girl that Atsushi and Chuuya had taken upon themselves to raise? I'd completely forgotten about her existence.

"She's told me herself that her parents died in an accident a few years back, thanks to those two she thankfully lives happily. But you take them away and what does she have left?" It's funny, how Kenji looked right now reminded me of those three seven years ago. Kenji reminded me of Akutagawa, of how he was trying to protect the other two when I'd approached them.

Kyouka sounded similar to Atsushi back then, he only had those two back then and Kyouka has those two now.

And poor Akutagawa reminded me so much of Gin, how she had wanted to run, how she had not a single piece of trust or loyalty to anyone but those two.

I began to laugh at this realisation which caught Kenji off guard. He flinched away at my laughs which to be honest sounded slightly insane. Once I'd calmed down I faced Kenji.

"Alright, I'll try. Is that good enough?" Kenji nodded eagerly before he threw his arms around me. I never stood a chance when kids asked me stuff, if I ever had a kid of my own I swear I'd be at their mercy.

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