Twenty-five. Chuuya

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"Akutagawa keep up, or do you want to find his corpse?" I berated the kid as we ran down the streets of Yokohama. Even though Atsushi had left the infirmary with no weapons or means of defence he still had the bracelet from the infirmary on him, the doctors had put one on him seen as he'd been administered so often recently, saved them time on recataloging him everytime he visited. They had also hidden tracking devices on all of the bracelets in the infirmary, a lot of people ended up in hysterics and walking out of the place so this was another time saver for the staff.

"This apartment, tenth floor. How good are you at taking out guards?" I didn't have to say anymore as Akutagawa made his way inside disabling anyone he posed as a threat. Thankfully that was only a couple of individuals who were lounging in the entryway.

"Take the stairs, now!" Time was running out, and I couldn't afford to wait for a lift or it would be rigged and reduce more of our time. Akutagawa nodded and shot towards the stairwell with me not far behind. To reduce our time running and to save Akutagawa's lungs I levitated us up to the tenth floor quicker than we ever could have got there on foot.

Once at the correct level I released my ability and we snuck along the well furnished hallway, I checked the tracker the infirmary had given me. They were about five doors down, they hadn't moved from this room for a long while. She had to be inside, I would catch her this time. She wasn't getting away.

I signalled to Akutagawa to make his way to the opposite side of the door, I began to count down on my fingers once he was in position.




The door was broken down in an instant. But the sight we were greeted with was one that made me want to tear my own heart out.

Dazai had his lips locked against hers. When he realised the door had been broken down he turned to face us both.

"Oh, I guess you found us. Well we can't stay for long, you'll want him back right?" Dazai pointed to Atsushi who was lying on the bed unconscious. The clothes around his stomach had been torn to shred, the bedding beneath him looked to be stained with his blood. But the wound was wrapped in bandages.

Before I could think any further the sound of a helicopter sounded from outside, Dazai began to lead Misao to the window and helped her into the helicopter with ease.

"I would say goodbye, but I hate you. And those words Chuuya." Shit he heard me! I know I was talking to him and part of me did want him to hear me. But right now I wished he hadn't.

"You can burn them, toss them in the sea for all I care. They don't matter to me. You don't matter to me." I knew I shouldn't have cared for him. I was so stupid. I must really have been imagining things because I'm sure I saw a beat of sorrow from that idiot. But it wasn't real, he didn't express emotions. He wasn't human.

Dazai waved his arm in goodbye, I was sure something looked off as he lowered his arm and clambered inside with Misao.

"Osamu! You bastard! I will kill you myself! You hear me!? You're dead!"

The helicopter took off not too long later. Without waiting for my command Akutagawa made his way over to Atsushi. He looked slightly panicked as he carefully picked up Atsushi. I was sure I saw him unconscious more than conscious these days.


"Are you saying Dazai has abandoned the Mafia?" Mori questioned me as I stood before him alone. Akutagawa had refused to leave the infirmary once Atsushi had been stabilised with a blood transplant, apparently he'd lost copious amounts of blood prior to our arrival. I really regretted making that joke about finding his corpse now.

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