Thirty-two. Chuuya

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"You sure you're in complete control?" Osamu nodded his head at me as we raced to the Port Mafia headquarters base. I could see the two dots still stood at the top. I knew we wouldn't make it up there in time, our best bet would be to catch them. I'd done a similar thing in the past where I'd had Osamu stand on a platform that I controlled with my gravity, due to him not touching me his ability didn't cancel it out.

"I am. We've got one shot, don't drop me Chibi." He gave that usual mocking tone in his voice as he called me by one of those stupid nicknames. I didn't argue against it though.

I guess I missed that nickname.

I jumped into the air before activating my ability, when I landed I managed to dislodge the concrete in the ground. I began to lift it into the air as Osamu stood on the platform. But I could see a red haze begin to cover his eyes. I stopped moving the platform and went to grab his arm.

"Osamu, your eyes. You're not in complete control, are you sure this is a good idea? Maybe there's another plan we could-" I stopped my words when I realised his eyes were fixed on the sky. When I looked up I could see the pair of them making their way to the ground. Idiots, the pair of them.

"There isn't another option, Chuuya. We have to do this now." He grabbed my hand and gave a reassuring squeeze. I slowly nodded in agreement and stepped back letting the platform rise.

As he began to rise higher and higher everything he had told me since we left the shipping crates began to repeat in my mind.


"She's not dead. That was a lie she forced me to say, she's gotten better at controlling people." Between the heavy breaths of us running he continued.

"She can make the individual do more complex commands instead of simple ones. And the eyes, instead of them going a blood red she's learned how to diminish it to a hazy red over the eyes. Or if she's just manipulating their thoughts but letting them be in control it dulls their eyes." I nodded in acknowledgment at the new information, that would make it hard for a lot of people to pick it up on. It's a common fact that most people's eyes in the Mafia have an easy habit of dulling over for a period of time.

"If she's not dead, whose body did you bring in?" Osamu hardened his gaze.

"Her brother." Now that was unexpected.

"He died last night, his body couldn't cope with being in a coma for so long so it just gave in. We are the only ones who have seen her face to face, with me confirming it was her body when she was manipulating me no one would have any reason to question it." He was right, as usual, only myself, Osamu and our subordinates have laid eyes on her actual face. The photo we have on file is an old one, it doesn't look like her exactly.

"She's lost the only thing that's kept her being reasonable. She'll do anything to take us out now. The most dangerous creation of any society is the person who has nothing to lose." I nodded in agreement.

"Why bother attacking our subordinates to this degree though? I mean we are the executives not them." Dazai kept the pace up, we were almost at the headquarters.

"To break you. Look at the state you were in because of my supposed betrayal, if you lost the only protégé you ever took on it would break you further and make it easier to either kill you herself. Or she would have had me kill you." That thought didn't sit well in my mind, and he wouldn't even be able to stop her if he wanted to. She'd tried it before, but there was Akutagawa before.


I could see Dazai almost reached the pair, at this rate they should be caught. But I saw as Osamu took a step backwards and pulled at his hair.

Misao was trying to take control.

And it looked like she was going to do just as she wished.

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