Twenty-four. Atsushi

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I'd been following Dazai for who knows how long now. He'd gone down a variety of twists and turns and out of various alleys. I didn't have to worry about him noticing me though as he seemed unaware of his surroundings. Finally, we arrived at an apartment in some rich looking building. Without a second to stall Dazai made his way inside, I quickly threw myself inside the lift and stood on the opposite side of the large lift.

I began to catalogue my thoughts and plan what I was actually going to do if I confronted the person behind this. My ability wasn't the most reliable at the moment as I was still extremely fatigued and I had no weapons on hand. But before I could think any further a blade was placed beneath my neck. My prior prediction was wrong, Dazai wasn't oblivious to his surroundings.

"Well, well. It seems I have company in this building." Dazai spoke but it didn't sound like him. My assumption was that someone was controlling him and speaking through him.

"I was wondering how long it would take till I spoke with you." I answered, I was sure if the person on the other end had heard me or not, but Dazai began to pull me towards the door as we arrived at the tenth floor. As the doors began to slowly retract I saw an empty hallway made of glass, I could see out into Yokohama however it was night so I mainly just saw darkness.

"Move." 'Dazai' commanded as he shoved me forwards out of the lift, we began to walk down the hallway until we arrived at room 1035. As soon as we were outside the room the door opened and I was shoved inside. However, the second Dazai stepped over the threshold and the door was closed he collapsed onto the ground. The control must have been relinquished. There came a small groan from him as he blinked his eyes a few times, he looked around and saw where we were. He became slightly panicked when he laid eyes on me.

"Who are you!?" He accused me before pushing his back against the door after sitting up. After looking at me a little longer he began to realise he did know me.

"Wait, you're that kid, Mirai right?" I felt a little stab of pain being mistaken for a dead man. Although Dazai quickly shook his head when he realised. "Wait no he's dead." Way to put it bluntly. "You're that kid I gave to Chuuya, I think you got named as Lucifer right?" I was shocked that my reputation had reached even the demon prodigy himself. I nodded at his question and quickly helped him to his feet, we didn't have time for formalities right now.

"So the great Demon Prodigy, or should I call you Osamu Dazai?" A woman's voice came from the main part of the apartment. We slowly approached our way into the livingroom and was greeted by a woman with long white hair which had black slowly fading into the tips of her hair. Dazai held himself high as he spoke.

"Just Dazai if you will. And I would also appreciate it if you didn't control my body, a man has a will of his own." She laughed to herself at his words, finding them amusing somehow.

"Ah yes, the will of a suicidal man is worth a lot I imagine?" Dazai kept his mouth closed after her words, I think he finally realised what I had finally understood. We were trapped in here with a woman who could manipulate Dazai in a single heartbeat. She then turned to focus on me.

"And you, the famous Lucifer or Atsushi Nakajima if you prefer." She pointed her wine glass which she had been rolling in her hand towards me.

"The latter if you will." She smiled at my respectful words.

"Nakajima do me a favour, take this glass out of my hand and put it on the table." I didn't understand her strange request but did as she said. However, as I approached she softly grasped my hand while giving me the glass.

"Thank you oh so much." As she released me I felt my body become weaker and I began to feel faint. What did she do to me?

When I placed the glass on the table I returned to Dazai's side. She looked so amused at our current state.

"Look at you both, the Demon Prodigy and Lucifer at my will. Whatever should I do with the both of you?" She tapped her cheek as she bounced her leg which was crossed over the other one. I was trying to think of an escape to this woman but I didn't think there was much we could do.

"Oh I know. Kill each other." She said it so calmly it was as if she hadn't said it at all. Her smile was still plastered over her lips, I began to think that even if we were to fight in a match to the death my healing ability would prevent Dazai from killing me. But then I remembered what Ryu had said when we were going over her file.

'By coming into contact with an individual she is able to inhibit someone's ability'

I dug my nail into my skin and felt the pain as blood began to seep to the surface, however the fact that the blood began to pool and not immediately heal made my heart sink. She'd stolen it, she'd taken my ability.

"I don't think that would be practical for you, now would it?" Dazai proposed and her smile turned to a pout.

"You're no fun Osamu, too smart for your own good."

"Dazai please, I'm not very fond of my first name." Even though Dazai looked calm I could see the hatred in his eyes.

"Oh~ Is little Osamu scared of his own first name because of Mori~" I watched as the hatred in his eyes turned to fear, she was mocking him. But why would his first name be a fear tactic Mori uses?

"H..How much do you know?" He stuttered. The Demon Prodigy stuttered. I didn't think it was possible to make him feel fear, but I was standing right here witnessing it with my own eyes.

"Oh I know everything. Even things people have said to you while you were unconscious." A cruel smirk played across her lips, she had us both manipulated like puppets.

"One of the voices I heard was ever so sweet, was he your boyfriend? The words he'd said made it sound like he was." Dazai's face darkened at her words, I was wondering how much longer he was going to last before landing a punch on the woman.

"What did he say... You tell me now you crazy woman! Tell me what he said this instant!" There was only rage consuming him now, I tried to place a hand on his arm to calm him down but all it managed to do was cause more harm to myself than anyone else. It felt as if touching him burned. She must have caught my reaction because her focus then moved to me.

"Oh look at you, poor pitiful thing. I guess Kage really did break you as he said he would." I pulled my arms around my stomach, fear creeping forward again. I'd never go through that hell again, I'd rather be stabbed a hundred times over and cry my voice hoarse in pain than experience that ever again.

"Too bad that kid killed him, he's caused a real problem in my plans. I've lost the base of most of my funding. I have reserve funds so I can keep Hikari stable and complete my plans, and it begins with you kid." I didn't even see it coming, she slashed me with some sort of claws. What kind of an ability was that?

"Ironic how you'll die to your own ability, isn't it?" My own ability? I couldn't summon claws, what was she on about? The cut in my stomach began to pull more and more blood from my body, my legs quickly gave in from beneath me. Dazai didn't even care to look my way as I collapsed to the floor.

"Aren't you going to help the kid?" She questioned as the claw she once had disappeared in a flash of blue light.

"What's the point? There's no way for me to stop the bleeding, even if I did try you would probably strike me down yourself." She laughed at his honesty, he was right though. I was doomed, I was going to die and I wasn't his responsibility. So why should he care?

"The ruthless Demon Prodigy strikes again." She laughed each of her words out, I began to watch as black spots crossed my vision. I was finally going to get to rest.

I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise Mirai...

"I'm sorry... Ryu..."

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